"I didn't forget." Callie nibbled my earlobe. "That was the hottest sex I've ever had. And I'd like an encore, if you're up for it."

I turned to pull her into my arms and kiss her. "I'll do my best, baby, but you may have to take the lead this time, with me as stiff and sore as I am."

Callie gently pushed me onto my back in the bed and straddled my hips, already in nothing but little panties and a thin tank top. She leaned down, careful of the dark bruising on my chest, and kissed me with a growing heat.

"I'm sure I can handle it."

She rolled her hips and rubbed herself against me.

I was sure she could handle it too.



9 Months Later

"Plier, Michelle. Mind your plier."My newest student stood at the barre and practiced this basic move a few more times before attempting to combine it with a delicate, curved arm. "Very good. You're improving."

Class was officially over, but a few students always stayed after for ten or fifteen minutes to practice with the barre, something most people didn't have in their homes. I didn't mind. It gave me time to give them some individual instruction and help where I could.

Elsie had her foot on the barre while she bent her knee and tried to make the movements more graceful. She practiced a lot with the barre in the basement, but she never missed an opportunity to practice in class, either.

"Alright, girls," I said, clapping my hands. "Time to clear out for Miss Kate's class."

They ran around, gathering their things, and we all headed out as a group. "Is your mom at home, or do you need to go to the bakery?"

"Bakery. Besides, Mom said she has a pie for you and Uncle Blake."

"Whoa, don't want to miss that! I hope it's chocolate." We both said chocolate at the same time.

I'd been teaching at the Valley Spring Dance Academy since I moved in with Blake. It had only taken a few weeks to apply, get an interview, an audition, and get hired. I'd been worried I might still miss performing. Getting dozens of girls ready to perform in their recitals seemed to fill that void.

I also danced with a small, local troupe thirty minutes away. Most were amateurs that didn't go on to dance professionally for reasons that had nothing to do with their skills. They'd chosen a different lifestyle, like me.

The pie Lisa made for us was chocolate–she knew what I liked–and I gratefully brought it home to Blake's. His truck was outside, not the cruiser, so I knew he was off for the rest of the night. And I looked forward to a night in with chocolate pie and my sexy hunk of man.

"I'm home," I crooned as I opened the door. I left my bag and the pie in the kitchen and looked around the house for Blake.

I touched the pendant he gave me. I wore it often and thought of it as a good luck charm. It had certainly been good luck at least once.

A pair of handcuffs hung on the bedroom doorknob, our signal for sexy times. The first time Blake had put them there, I thought he'd forgotten and hung them in a weird spot. He said, "No, it's like when you put a sock on your doorknob to let your roommates know you need privacy."

That was all news to me, but I had a good laugh about it. Now, I stared at the handcuffs, heat already building inside me. Who would have ever guessed that my gruff, grumpy bodyguard slash sheriff was such a romancer at heart?

I whipped the door open, wondering if he'd be waiting for me already naked on the bed. Maybe already wearing handcuffs. Instead, he wore a suit, and was down on one knee.

"Oh," I gasped.

Was he really doing this? We hadn't even lived together for a year. Not that I cared. I'd have married him if he'd asked me that day Zander kidnapped me. But he seemed to care so much about facts and logic and care, it caught me completely off-guard to think he might be ready that fast.

"I hope that's a goodoh."

I put my hands up to my mouth. "It is. I think it is." I couldn't stop the giddy laugh that came out then. I felt such joy at the thought of being his wife. "I mean, it is. Yes."

He grinned one of his most beautiful grins. The kind I'm so proud to be able to get from him. "Woman, I haven't even asked you yet."

I waved my hands between us. "Oh, then ask me. Hurry up and ask me."