I was dialing Vincent Ellis' number when his call rang through for me.

"What the hell's going on, Governor?"

Vincent explained the situation. Kidnapped. Demanding a swap, him for her. Every word ratcheted up the level of rage I felt. The more he talked, the tighter I gripped the steering wheel. My knuckles ached, I squeezed it so tight.

"They were so confident they'd arrested the whole group," he said, sounding distraught. "They dated for such a long time! All in the hopes of getting to me." Then he ranted about political extremists for a few minutes while I focused on the road ahead.

"I'm touching down in the next ten minutes, Blake. I trust you'll get there before me. We understand that the only objective here is–"

"Keeping Callie safe. Yes, sir."

"Good. Just so we're clear."

"And just so we're clear, governor, I fully intend to keep her safe without sacrificing you."

"Do your best, Blake. I just don't want my daughter harmed under any circumstances. Even if it means–"

"Just show up. Cathy and I will take care of the rest."

I wasn't going to discuss the possibility of letting Zander kill Ellis. Callie's safety was my top priority, but I fully intended for both to leave that warehouse alive.

I relayed the warehouse meeting place to Cathy, who took a more circuitous route to come in on the side rather than from the front, like me. Zander had said 'no cops', but he'd met me at the wedding as Callie's boyfriend. As long as he believed that was true, seeing me even in uniform with a cruiser shouldn't raise the same alarm as a bunch of police officers rolling up.

Seeing only me would help too. As long as Cathy could stay out of sight and approach him from the side or behind, we'd at least have the element of surprise.

I drove up to the warehouse slowly, with my windows down so I could hear. I stopped about a hundred yards away from the building, parking next to Callie's car. And then I saw movement from the entrance that was in shadow because of the angle of the early morning sun.

Callie took a step into the light. The fear in her eyes hurt my soul and made me want to get my hands around the throat of anyone who made her that afraid so I could squeeze the life out of them.

Zander stepped out behind her, a hand on her arm.

I opened my door and put my hand out, up in the air, followed by my other hand, so he could see I wasn't armed and pointing anything in his direction.

"I just want to talk," I shouted.

"It's Ellis for her. Nothing to talk about. I told him not to call the cops."

With my hands up at my shoulders, I slowly approached them. "He didn't. I'm not here as a cop. I'm just here for Callie. The governor is on his way, so why don't you let her go?"

I knew it wouldn't work but keeping him talking to give Cathy time was the most important thing.

"Don't come any closer," he said through clenched jaws. Then he stopped me in my tracks by cocking his pistol and holding it to Callie's temple.

I froze.

"Put the gun down," I said, as calmly as I could even though I was shaking with rage.

I wanted to shout threats at him, tell him what I'd do to him when I got a hold of him, but I held my tongue.

How dare that sleazy motherfucker hold a loaded gun to Callie's head.

How fuckingdarehe.

"Back off and I will."

I took a few steps backward, because I'd have done anything to get him to lower that gun and keep her out of immediate danger.

"It's all making sense to me now," I said, trying not to give away the fact that I could see Cathy coming around the building from the side. "If he'd been really dating you, Callie, he wouldn't have cheated."