Andrew was her age. A good-looking guy. And obviously a persistent one. I felt like if I'd lived in Austin, it would have been a fairer fight. But with me hours away in Elm Grove, and him forgetting jackets and inviting her for coffee under the guise of "friendship," I wasn't sure I stood much of a chance.

I sighed and stretched out on the bed, determined not to spend my last few hours near Callie feeling sour about some other man who'd set his sights on her.

I heard Callie coming and opened my eyes in time to see her leaping through the air. She landed straddling my waist with her knees.


"You're a little crazy, you know that?"

"Am I?"

I combed my finger through her hair. "Good thing I like crazy."

She hugged me, and we lay there saying nothing for a long time. I didn't mention seeing Andrew's text and in fact, pushed all thoughts of him from my mind.

Doubts were starting to creep in, but they could stay away another few hours while I had Callie in my arms.



It had beentwo weeks since Blake's visit and Elsie's fantastic news, and I still hadn't managed to find the time to get back to Elm Grove. I had my planner spread open in front of me, filling with appointments, obligations and auditions, and I talked to Mackenzie while I tried to figure out which I could remove or move to give me a couple of days back at Blake's house.

She gave me the latest gossip from our friend's group, because I'd also been pretty bad about catching up with everyone. I'd spent time with her, but hardly anybody else.

“Are you finding the time to go?" She asked about visiting Blake.

"In two weeks, I think I could maybe do a Friday and Saturday. I hope to squeeze in some time with Elsie, too. She's such a great kid."

"And she seems to idolize you."

She really did, and honestly, I loved it. I could hardly wait to dance with her again. To teach her again.

That reminded me of something I hadn't told Mac yet. "I've been looking into some teaching jobs around Austin."

"Yeah? Finally got the teaching bug and ready to give up performing?"

I sighed. "I don't know about that. But I did really love teaching Elsie. When she nailed that audition, it was the best feeling in the world, knowing I played a small part in that. It’s satisfying to teach. I think I want more of that."

"I thought you would, once you got a taste. You have the right temperament."

"I'm just not sure about giving up performing. But in a national dance company, it's impossible to do both."

"So join a local company. You can perform without going on a tour."

Mac was telling me everything I'd already considered for myself, but it was nice to feel validated.

"Maybe. You know, I looked for something local that's–"

"Closer to Elm Grove?"

I laughed. "How'd you know?"

"Because it's so obvious you're head over heels for that man, I knew you would have by now. I think it's a great idea. You should follow your heart, Callie. I've never seen two people who looked more meant for each other than when you showed up with him at my wedding."

"Really?" She hadn't said anything like that to me before.

"Really. I was a little worried about how this fake dating thing was going to work, and if I was going to look like a schmuck for going along with it. But there was nothing fake about the way you two looked at each other, girl. Grab the brass ring, Cal, and don't let go."