The thought of that made my heart clench and my lungs refuse to draw a breath. I loved Callie. I wanted her more than anyone in my life. But with us living separate lives, it was only a matter of time before we were separate too.

If I'd been a brave man, I'd have said all that and ended it before we were pulled apart by other things. End on a high note, so they say.

I wasn't brave. I was desperate to touch and taste her once again. I was going to make the most of my time with Callie, even though every kiss was going to make it that much harder when it ended.

I had meant to text her when I was done with my paperwork and leaving, but I was so focused on getting on the road I forgot. I only realized when I was about five miles outside Austin, so I called her.

"I'm ten minutes away. Sorry I forgot to let you know when I left."

"Fantastic! I thought you'd really gotten bogged down with work and wouldn't be here for hours. I'm rehearsing but I'll go take a shower and change."

"No, keep dancing. You can show me what you've been practicing when I get there."

I really missed watching Callie dance. More than that, I missed watching her and Elsie working together in the basement. Damn it, I just missed her being around, whether she was dancing or cooking her tofu or annoying me in some way.

She greeted me at the door by jumping into my arms and kissing me. "Blake Donovan, you are a sight for sore eyes."

"You look damn good yourself."

"We're dramatic," she said with a laugh. We FaceTimed yesterday."

"Not the same as getting to touch you." I nuzzled her neck, enjoying the feel of the slightly damp hairs at the base. "Been giving yourself a pretty good workout?"

"Yeah. Audition prep."

I knew she planned to audition for at least one company that was set to do a national tour in about eight months. She'd found a second possible audition a few days earlier, too.

I was torn every time I thought about it. I wanted her to achieve her dreams. I wanted her happiness more than anything. But if it hurt this much not to be with her for six days, being apart for months while she was on tour was going to be torture I didn't even want to imagine.

Not to mention all the buff dancers Callie's age that she'd be spending every day with on her touring adventures. I wasn't sure my ass stood a chance. Her happiness won out every time I had a fight with myself about it, though.

"Let me see?"

Callie led me to the room in her apartment that was set up similar to the one in my basement, with a wall of mirrors and a barre.

"Elsie was tickled to death when I told her I was leaving the ballet room in place. She uses it to practice all the time now."

"That’s great! When I come to visit, she and I can practice together."

I nodded and sat to watch Callie's routine. I didn't really think she'd be coming to visit very often. Her life was a lot busier than mine, especially while she was trying to find a new dance company. She stayed busy with friends and the occasional social obligations that went with being the governor's daughter.

My life was pretty laid back, so I didn't mind being the one to make the trips. But I hoped she did come back from time to time. That would make Elsie really happy.

I watched Callie dance, no longer feeling the need to rein myself in like I had to when she'd first come to Elm Grove. Instead, I watched her fluid moves with open appreciation. Her long, toned legs were on full display, no tights in the way, so I could see every little muscle ripple as she made difficult poses and movements look as easy as breathing.

The outfit she wore was just like a one-piece swimsuit, and her hair was up in a bun, wrapped around with a green scrunchie.

When she finished, I applauded, but she scoffed.

"That wasn't a very good run-through."

"Looked excellent to me." I stood and turned her in my arms so she could look at us in the mirror. Then I walked us close enough to the mirror that she could touch the barre if she wanted. "Do that leg-up pose you did, that slow kick where you held it."

Callie's arms bent into little arcs as she reached them behind her, around my neck. Then she lifted her knee, holding it almost flat against her body, and slowly extended her leg into the air.

"Damn, that's impressive." I kissed her arm, then cupped her ankle to hold her leg in place. "And you make it look so easy. But I can tell that it takes so much muscle control."

I slid my hand down her calf, her thigh, finally gliding my fingers against her inner thigh. She held the leg in place.