She laughed and took my face in her hands. “I’m not complaining, but I only meant that you’d forgotten to give me my suitcase.”

“Didn’t forget.” I pulled her close and laced my fingers together at the small of her back. “I figure there’s no point in you sleeping in a different room every night, is there?”

She bit her bottom lip. “No. No point in that.”

“Good. And I figure there’s no point in me pretending that I don’t want to kiss you like that every time I turn around, either.”

“Definitely no point in that,” she said, stretching her neck for another kiss. “I see you’ve come around from all your ‘keep this professional’ talk.”

I sighed and rubbed my nose against hers. I’d done everything I could to resist Callie Ellis. And in some way, not managing it still felt a little like a personal failing. But my feelings for her won out in the end. “It’s still professional. I’m still protecting you. But the way I see it, pretending I don’t want more than that is only bound to get in the way.”

She frowned lightly as she nodded. “Okay. That makes sense...I guess.”

“If I get tied up in knots with what I want but can’t have, I figure I’m more likely to miss something. Wanting you and telling myself no…is distracting.”

She clearly liked that given how she smiled about it. “Now that does make sense. If I had to protect you, we’d be in trouble. Because you, Blake Donovan, are incredibly distracting. With your arms and your pecs.” She squeezed my arms for emphasis. “And your ass.”

Callie cupped my ass in both hands and squeezed, making me laugh.

“Wow,” she said. “If I’d known all it would take to get a laugh out of you, I’d have squeezed your ass the day I got here.”

“I don’t think I’d have laughed then. But we’d have ended up in bed together a hell of a lot sooner. Probably.” I eyed my comfy, familiar bed. “Speaking of which.”

I walked her backward toward it, kissing her again.

“The nightgown I was going to wear tonight is in my room,” she said, giggling as I nibbled a line down her neck.

“You can sleep naked.” I kissed her shoulder and started emptying my pockets onto my nightstand. “I don’t mind.”

She started undressing, putting her phone next to mine. I was helping her slip her panties down when both our phones lit up. I glanced at mine and decided I’d better reply to it. It was Governor Ellis, asking for an update on how the situation played out at the wedding. As I replied to that, standing there in nothing but my underwear, Callie slipped her panties down and off and slid into the bed, replying to her message.

Ellis wanted me to call him. I didn’t want to, but I knew that would be better than putting him off. “I’m about to call your father,” I warned her, so she could stay quiet if she didn’t want him to realize she was close by.

“Can’t that wait?” she asked, her phone buzzing with another message.

“No point in letting him worry.” I dialed, figuring I’d get it over with as soon as possible. Then I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for him to answer.

Callie put her phone on the nightstand.

“Governor,” I said when Ellis picked up. Callie wetly tongued the back of my neck, making me shiver. I slapped at her bottom and missed. “Yes, sir. Everything’s fine. I didn’t see anything or anyone that raised concern.”

She licked down the center of my back, then she slid her hand up my thigh to wrap around my cock. I inhaled sharply.

“What’s wrong?” Ellis said.

“Nothing. Almost dropped a glass,” I lied, impressed with how quickly the excuse had come to me. “We just got back not long ago, Governor. I was just getting ready for bed.”

He thanked me for calling so late and said a few other things that didn’t quite register, because Callie was pushing her head under my arm so she could get her mouth around my cock.

“Yes, sir,” I said through clenched jaws. “Uh huh. Thank you. Good—”

He’d hung up, so I let myself drop back onto the bed while she sucked me down. “You’re such a brat,” I said, laughing softly. That prompted her to groan and suck a little harder. My phone plunked onto the carpet. Then she kissed her way up my stomach and straddled my hips.

“What did you call me?”

“A brat.” I spelled the word. “But I’m not really complaining.”

“I didn’t think you would.”