“Sorry,” I blurted, shifting my hips back at enough of an angle to get my dick away from her.

Still groggy, she apparently forgot about the cuffs too. She stretched, pulling my arm up with hers.

“Oh,” she said with a laugh. “I for—”

“Yeah, I forgot too. Ready to use the bath—”

“Yes, I really—”

“Need to go.”

We kept talking over each other like awkward teenagers, which didn’t make me optimistic about how the morning would go.

She rolled enough to flash me a smile, maybe at how we kept interrupting each other, or us both forgetting the cuffs. Or maybe for other reasons. Then she sat up, ready to scoot off the bed behind me.

We both seemed to realize that neither of us had pants on, and dressing was going to be a lot more awkward than stripping. We both needed clean underwear. Hell, we both needed a shower, and I was a second away from suggesting we take one. Together. Where I could spend more time exploring every inch of her that I’d touched the night before.

But Callie grabbed her underwear off the floor and got them on without jostling me too much. I did the same, much less gracefully than she managed. We repeated the bathroom routine from the night before, but with more yawns and a silence that felt somehow heavier.

“So,” I said, breaking that damned silence. “We get the rest of our pants on and head to town for the key, then we’ll grab some breakfast to bring home?”


I was glad, but if she’d been starving we could have eaten before we went. Hell, if she’d wanted to stop and do some ballet, I’d probably have let her drag me along like a marionette while she did.

After the night we’d spent together, I was going to have a hell of a time saying no to her for anything. I hoped she didn’t bring up her friend’s wedding again until that feeling wore off, at least a little.

I helped her slide across my seat to get in, and we drove in silence to the heart of Elm Grove. Once there, we hurried inside. I hoped like hell none of the town’s early risers would be out at that hour on a Saturday, or I knew I’d be hearing about it over coffee, right at my mother’s bakery.

Fortunately, we were up early enough that only the dispatcher was in the office, and she was in a different part of the building than the regular precinct.

My toolbelt was on my desk in my locked office, so I grabbed the keys and lifted my hand.

“Sure you want to do that?” she asked, a twinkle in her eyes. “We could get into a lot of mischief stuck together this way.”

I grumbled, “That’s what I’m afraid of.” But I gave her a half grin as the lock clicked and our hands were free.

I grabbed us some breakfast with two to-go coffees and drove back to the house, the smell of biscuits and gravy making my mouth water. She’d gotten the same, and I wanted to joke about working up an appetite. I had to keep biting my tongue.

As soon as we were home, she said, “I’m going to hop in the shower before I eat.”

I looked longingly at the bag of food. “I’ll wait for you.”

“You don’t have to,” she said brightly, then she hurried upstairs.

I felt oddly disappointed. Iwantedto have breakfast with her, even if it meant waiting another ten minutes. It seemed like the proper thing to do after the night we’d just had.

I knew it was just sex and that we weren’t in the grips of some epic romance novel. But having breakfast together afterward seemed like the least we could do.

It would almost make it seem like something more than two horny people stuck together. Working out their lust with each other.

Because, no matter how I looked at it, it was more than that for me.

And no matter how much I wanted it to be different, it seemed like it wasn’t more than that for Callie.

I got us plates so we wouldn’t have to eat out of takeout containers and put some coffee on. I’d nearly downed mine before we got back to the house, and I was going to need more than one cup to get through the day.

Saturday.I’d almost forgotten that it was the weekend and one of the biggest Saturdays for the farmer’s market. I usually stopped by my mom’s booth and didn’t want today to be an exception. Besides, it’d be a welcome distraction from having to think about Callie and how what we’d done would affect us going forward.