“I’m sorry,” she finally said. “But I had no way of knowing you wouldn’t have the key.”

“I know.” I plopped down, and she sat next to me.

“I’m tired too, but I can probably drive fine. Don’t you think?”

“With a guess at your body weight and how fast you drank on the porch, I’d rather not risk it.”

She stared ahead for a few seconds, then she stood and attempted to pull me up by my cuffed wrist. “This is ridiculous. We don’t have to sit here until the alcohol wears off and then drive even more tired into town.”

Thunder boomed, and it seemed like a sign.

“There, see? It’s going to storm. Even more reason to stay in and wait until morning. We can get up early and go in to get the key, easy peasy.”

I didn’t budge.

“We’ll go to bed, and it’ll be morning before you know it.”

“You don’t understand.” That was well and good, but I didn’t think I’d get a wink of sleep next to Callie in a bed. “I need sleep.”

“So sleep. I’m not going to stop you.”

I didn’t really want to sit there for an hour or more before driving into town. As if it was designed to help my decision, the sky opened up. Rain poured down, the sound of it against the roof seeming extra loud as Callie raised one eyebrow in anI told you sogesture.

“Okay. But if we’re both still awake after about an hour and a half and the storm has passed, I’m driving us into town for the key.”

“Deal,” she said, looking far too happy about the situation.

I was a gentleman and let her use the restroom first. I kept my back turned, standing as far away as the cuffs would allow. She ran water while she went, but I didn’t feel the need to do that. Then we took turns brushing our teeth, and I led her to my bedroom where I’d be a lot more comfortable.

“I guess we have to sleep in our clothes,” she said, as I pulled the covers down.

“Unless you can figure a magical way to get shirts off with these cuffs on, I guess so.”

I watched her perfect heart-shaped ass slide into my bed and I got in behind her.

After a few minutes of trying to get comfortable, she said, “I can’t sleep on my back.”

“I’m not the most comfortable either,” I huffed.

We settled in a position with her in front of me, her back to mine. But if my arm was down my side, it held hers up in the same position. She liked to bend her arm and have her hand on the mattress, which pulled mine forward.

We quickly realized the most comfortable position was with my arm over her waist. And the easiest way to do that was for her to move closer.

Her ass touched my groin, just barely, but enough that all of my attention, and my blood flow, rushed right to that spot. Thunder boomed again, and Callie scooted back, more of her body pressing against mine.

“Stop moving,” I hissed.

“Sorry. I’m trying to get comfortable.”

Her next hip movement didn’t feel like she was trying to get comfortable. It felt like she was teasing me.

“Callie,” I warned.

“What?” she asked. I could hear the smile in her voice. She wasenjoyinghow much I was struggling to maintain my composure.

She shifted again. She had to feel my cock, hard against her, so there was no point in trying to pretend she wasn’t affecting me that way. I tightened my arm around her and pressed my cheek to the side of her neck.
