The minute he stepped away from our table, a man about my age with shiny black cowboy boots and a crooked, Elvis-Presley smile walked up to me.

“Ma’am,” he said in a surprisingly deep voice, “would you care to dance?”

“WouldI,” I said, before I could bite my tongue. “But I’m here with... a friend.” I gestured toward the bar. “Let me see if—”

“No.” Blake appeared next to me without the beers he went for.

“You didn’t even hear what he said,” I scoffed.

“Doesn’t matter. The answer is no,” Blake said flatly.

“Sorry, Sheriff,” the guy said, then he tipped his head at me and saidMa’amagain before walking away. He obviously knew Blake and wasn’t some stranger out to kidnap a governor’s daughter.

“He knows you.” I crossed my arms and glared at Blake, feeling both confused and a little angry.

Why bring me out here if he wasn’t going to let me have any fun?

“So?” Blake grunted.

I gestured toward the dance floor. “What would be the danger in me dancing with him?”

He huffed, looking annoyed. “I don’t want you dancing with him. Or out in the crowd. Too easy to lose sight of you.”

“In the crowd of mostly middle-aged people dancing? That crowd?” I spread my hands out, palms up, hoping to make him see reason.

Blake scoffed and tilted his head. “Callie—”

“Ifyouwon’t dance with me, Blake, at least let me have fun by dancing with someone else. This is my one night out,” I tried to reason.

His frown deepened, then he looked past me and scowled even harder. I turned to see another man walking my way.

I turned back to Blake. “I’m going to go ask him,” I huffed and stood, spinning on my heels.

Blake stood at the same time and grabbed my hand, pulling me to him.

“Come on,” he growled with all the enthusiasm of a man being forced to walk the plank.

I let him lead me to the dance floor.

I didn’t know what to expect. But I did think that I was a professional dancer at a swing night with a man who’d probably never danced in his life.

This was going to be interesting, but hey, at least we were going to have some fun.

I moved close to him and swayed to the beat of the music. He hesitated, his face filled with reluctance.

“Come on Blake don’t be such a party pooper. Let’s have a good time,” I spoke over the music. Grabbing his hands, I slid them around my waist. Before he could object, I started swaying my hips, moving to the rhythm of the music.

I smiled up at him and put my hands on his hips, wiggling them back and forth.

“Move with me,” I said laughing.

I twirled, mimicking the moves of the other dancers. When I faced Blake again, he smirked and there was a flicker of playfulness in his eyes.

He put his hand on the small of my back and pulled me close, pinning me against his body. Oh, I liked that.

He looked down at me, giving me a slow sexy smile. His other hand found mine and lifted it over my head as I twirled around.

Wait, did he just spin me?