“Do you think I should take any kind of action, Blake?”

“No. I read him his rights. It was just a lapse in judgment because—”

Because he wanted to see Callie.

I didn’t think I needed to say that out loud.

“He won’t do anything like that again.”

When we hung up, I was satisfied that Andrew had made a bad decision and nothing more. I trusted him, but you can never be too careful.

I wasn’t beyond making mistakes in judgment. And nobody, not even somebody as upstanding as Andrew, was beyond being tempted by a fat payday. He was driving the same car, not exactly late-model, but not as new as he should be able to afford.

Could be frugal. Could be a lot of debt that made buying a new car difficult. Someone offering to pay a good chunk of change for access to Callie could be offering enough to clear up that debt, if that were the case.

“I can’t believe you’d actually suspectAndrew.Weren’t you the one who hired him years ago?”

“I was. And I don’t suspect him, not any more than anyone else.”

“You just practically did a background check on the man. Someone you hired, worked with, and I assumed thought of as a friend.”

I pulled into my driveway and cut the engine. “Look, Callie. I didn’t get into security and law enforcement because I trust people. All I did was my duty.”

I got out and slammed the door. She followed me in.

“I just wanted out of the house for a while. I texted to let you know I was going out. You said I could as long as I had an escort, and Andrew is the head of my dad’s security for heaven’s sake!”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were dating him?”

That stopped her short. “What? We’re—”

“The hand on your back at the airport. The hug. His hand on yours, and how he wanted to surprise you.” I growled as I glared at her. “You told me you weren’t in a relationship. I can’t protect you properly if you keep information from me.”

“We arenotin a relationship.” She looked uncertain for a second, then she shook her head. “We’re just friends.”

I could have told her that he wanted it to be more based on the way he held himself around her. I knew it hadn’t been my imagination when they’d stepped off the plane.

“If that changes, I need to know,” I snapped.

“It’s not going to change.” She tucked hair behind both her ears and put her hands on the kitchen island. “I only want friendship from Andrew. That won’t change.”

The relief I felt on hearing that was enough to remind me how far out of line I was in danger of getting. Who she dated was none of my business beyond needing to know who was in her circle. I shouldn’t have been so pleased to hear her say she wasn’t interested in dating Andrew.

“I know I upset you,” she said. “I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. I’m sorry. That doesn’t give you the right to talk to me like I’m a child. Anywhere. Let alone in public.”

I’d been harsh with her, and I knew it. The sight of her sitting there with Andrew had me seeing red. But I could admit when I was wrong.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. “You’re right. I overreacted. I’m sorry.”

She looked surprised, her bright blue eyes narrowing, then opening wider. “Okay. Thanks.”

“Just understand something. I’ll do what I can to not treat you that way again. But I can’t guarantee I won’t get out of line again when it comes to your safety. I can’t let how I feel, or how you feel, interfere. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you. And I don’t want any more of that guilt on my conscience.”

Damn it. I didn’t know why it came out that way. Naturally, she picked up on it. “Any more?”

“It’s not important.”

“It is to me,” she said, rounding the island to stand near me. “You have some kind of guilt that makes you take all this so personally?”