She gripped my arms to steady herself, bursting into giggles as she continued to slip. I gave up trying to help her and picked her up instead to get us out of the water. I put her down on the sloped bank and plopped down next to her.

She laughed uncontrollably as I said, “All that for a fucking frog.”

“I didn’t know what it was!” She snorted.

Her laughter was contagious, but I fought it as long as I could.

“What the hell did youthinkit could possibly be?”

She couldn’t answer for laughing, and the more she laughed, the harder it was not to laugh along with her.

“That could have been your Prince Charming waiting for a kiss,” I said, “and you almost smashed it trying to get your shirt off. Poor little bastard.”

I couldn’t help but laugh then, remembering her panicked dance while she pulled at her shirt.

Her shirt, that was now floating in the stream.

Her thin, white bra didn’t hide anything. Her nipples peaked from the cold water shone through it. I’d never wanted to touch anything as much in my life.

Then I got my wits about me and realized how close I’d come, and how that might not be okay.

“Sorry about...” I made grabbing fingers in the direction of her chest. “It kept moving.”

“That’s okay,” she said, trying to get her laughter under control. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

“From a frog the size of a lime.”

“Still. My hero.”

She gazed down at me, and it would have been so easy to slide my fingers around the back of her neck, pull her close, and finally taste those full, pink lips. Then lick my way down to suck one of her pink nipples.

You can’t, Blake. You fucking can’t.

For the first time since I’d found out Callie was my boss’ daughter five years earlier, I wanted to argue back with that logical, responsible voice.

Why the fuck can’t I?

I knew why.

I got up and hurried back into the stream to get her shirt. I wrung it out as I walked back toward her, for all the good it would do.

When I handed it to her, she stood and slipped it on slowly, not like someone embarrassed and in a hurry to cover up.

“Guess what,” she said with a soft smile.


“I finally got you to laugh.” Her smile turned into a huge, cocky grin as she picked up her book and walked toward the house, giving me one quick look over her shoulder before she went inside.

I watched her go. I rubbed my hand down my face and made my way toward the house for dry clothes so I could finish setting up the cameras.

I hoped and prayed on the way that she’d already gone into her room and wasn’t standing there in those wet, clingy clothes. Otherwise, I was pretty sure I’d start peeling them off her.

As soon as I made it to my bedroom, I glanced at my bed, picturing her on it. Naked, her body inviting me to taste, to tease. My cock throbbed.

I still had cameras to install. I needed more coffee. Ineededa lot of things. Unfortunately, the biggest one was in the bedroom next to mine, changing her clothes while I stood there getting hard over her.

I’d come close to picturing Callie while I jerked off. It had always seemed wrong to do that. But a man can only restrain himself for so long.