He shrugged.

“You realize this is like a challenge now, right?”

“What is?” He straightened and crossed his arms, on guard again.

“Getting you to smile.” I grinned widely.

“I smile enough,” he said flatly.

“Not really.”

He shrugged and tossed the dish towel over his shoulder. “Law enforcement isn’t a job that requires a lot of smiling, I guess.”

“No, I guess not. You know, when I lived in Europe, I got to see Buckingham Palace. Those guards can’t break character for anything. But I made one of them smile. If I could get one of the Queen’s guards to crack, you, Blake Donovan, do not stand a chance.”

He smirked and leaned against the counter again. “You know, if you annoy me too much, I’ll tell my family that you’re on a diet, working hard to keep dancer-fit and all. No more of Mom’s pies.”

“Low blow, but worth it. I’ve already got a spot reserved on my list of greatest achievements. Number two, right below making the guard laugh.Made Blake Donovan crack a smile. I’m gonna check that off before you know it, even if you threaten to withhold your momma’s delicious desserts.”

“Don’t hold your breath. I don’t find most things funny.”

“I’m patient.”

Blake leaned closer over the counter, one eyebrow lifting. “I’ve sat through so-called comedy shows without laughing once.”

“I’m stubborn.”

He licked his lips and narrowed his eyes further, focusing on my mouth.

“And messy. You have chocolate on your face.” Blake smirked and used his tongue to lick the corner of his mouth to show me where.

I mimicked his movement, licking the corner of my mouth. He nodded and moved his tongue over his bottom lip, slowly swiping it across.

Watching him lick his lips like that was damned seductive. Or it would have been, under different circumstances. I was going to remember it for a while, at least.

I licked my bottom lip without recovering any chocolate.

He sighed as if annoyed. “Almost. A little to the left.”

I slid my tongue across to the left side. I had to have gotten it, but he still stared at my lips intensely.

“Did I do it?” For good measure, I wiped my mouth with my finger, but it came away clean.

Blake stared at me, his gaze seeming unfocused, his eyes almost sleepy. Then he straightened with a sigh and looked away. “You definitely didsomething,” he mumbled, then he cleared his throat.


“Actually, it’s here.” He touched the tip of his nose.

As I reached for the spot, I realized I’d been had. He’d been bullshitting me the entire time.

To get me to slowly lick my lips?

I crossed my arms and glared at him. “Really?”

He shrugged, dropped the dishtowel on the counter like he was dropping a mic, then turned and headed upstairs.

And I could have sworn, right before he turned away, the corner of his mouth turned up into a smile.