I gave a sharp nod. “Okay. Let’s get going before it gets dark.”

“Just let me change really quick.”

I sighed with what probably sounded like irritation. It was disappointment in myself at how I was already picturing her ass in front of me on this jog.

“I’ll hurry, I’ll hurry,” she said, running up the stairs.

I glanced down my body at my dick. It had already woken up at the thought that she’d be going with us.

“Behave yourself,” I growled.

* * *


Blake had been avoiding me like the plague since our nightcap in the kitchen. Every time I tried to talk to him, he’d make up some excuse to get away from me.

I was getting so tired of being ignored and alone. I could only rehearse, read, and watch TV for so many hours a day before boredom set in. I was used to seeing my friends, going where and when I wanted when I wanted, even just taking a quick shopping trip or meeting Mac for coffee when I could.

Being alone constantly was getting to me. And the fact that Blake had been avoiding me made it worse.

At least the jog will get me out of the house and hopefully get a chance to exchange more than a handful of words with him. I’ve been looking forward to talking to him all day.

We started at a slow pace on the same trail where I jogged before.

“Your day go okay?” I asked, hoping to break the ice.

“Yeah.” He kept his eyes focused ahead.

“You haven’t really talked to me in the past few days.”

Blake sighed. “Sorry. I’ve just got things on my mind.”

“What things?”

He flinched back like I’d tossed an insult at him. “Work things. Typical stuff.”

“Such as?”

“Are you going to talk the whole run?” He asked, sounding annoyed.

“Is it that difficult for you to have a normal conversation?”

He shook his head like I’d just tried the last of his patience. I knew I was pushing, but damn it, I was not ready for him to go back to ignoring me.

Finally, he said, “I agreed to protect you. Not entertain you.”

I’d apparently made his reluctance to talk to me even worse.

Great going, Callie.

He preferred that I run next to him and shift behind him when the trail narrowed. I purposefully moved ahead, just so he’d touch my arm and urge me to fall back. After the third time, his frustration was apparent. Even though he was behind me, I knew he was squinting in his typical frown.

“So anything exciting happen at work?” I asked. Along with, “What did you have for lunch? Did you think about me? Are you—”

“Callie!” He stopped, hands going to his hips. “What—”

“Just making conversation,” I said as I paused and turned. “Why is it so hard to get you to talk to me?”