His eyes met mine and he chuckled at what must have been a look of shock on my face. He led me through the steps, spinning me again to end up pressed against his chest, then bent me back so I could kick a leg into the air.

The man hadmoves. My mouth dropped open.

“You were holding out on me this whole time!” I said with a laugh. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew how to swing dance? You’re amazing!”

“I’m out of practice.”

“It doesn’t show. I cannot believe you can dance like that.”

He scoffed. “Don’t sound so damn shocked. Elsie didn’t develop a love of dance out of nowhere. Mom taught Jessie and me to dance when we were kids. Country swing was her favorite.”

I was delighted by this new aspect of Blake’s personality I’d never even guessed could be there.

After that, we danced to almost every song. The more he danced, the better his moves got, and I was starting to pick up the moves I was unfamiliar with and getting into the rhythm of it too.

It felt fantastic to be out on a dance floor again. It wasn’t like performing, but it was satisfying in a similar way. And was the most fun I’d had in so long. Even before coming to Elm Grove, nights out with friends, dates, dance rehearsals. I hadn’t enjoyed myself quite that way in years.

And to have Blake’s attention directed at me that intensely for a while, that wasfucking amazing.

His arms were around me so much, his hand against my waist as he spun me, I felt myself even more physically drawn to him. One move he favored, my back against his chest and his arms around me to hold my hands in front, was a favorite of mine too.

They played a slow song. Blake hesitated, and I thought for a moment he was going to lead me off the dance floor. Instead, he put his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

He took my other hand in his and led me in slow circles. Our lower bodies were pressed together, so I could feel which direction he was going to move toward. When he turned me, his arm went around my waist again, to hold me tight against his body, my back against his chest.

He held my hand against my stomach, his other hand riding my hip. Blake dipped his head, so that his cheek was almost pressed against mine. After several seconds, I realized we’d completely lost time with the music and were just swaying together.

I didn’t want it to end.

When Blake turned me in his arms, the way he stared down at me as he pinned my body to his prompted me to lick my lips, because I could practically feel his kiss. I was out of breath even though we were barely moving.

He glanced from my eyes to my mouth and back again.

I couldn’t help but stare at him, conscious of the energy between us.

It was the most turned on I’d been since I could remember.

Eventually, the music stopped, and it was time to go.

Blake didn’t let go of me right away. We stood there, bodies pressed together. Finally, he swallowed and took a deep breath. “You ready to go?”

“No,” I said smiling, “you’ll have to handcuff me to get me out of here.”

He stared at me just long enough to make me squirm and wonder what he was thinking. “That can be arranged,” he said.

“Promises, promises.” I laughed.

He sighed and shook his head. “This old man needs to go to bed.”

“Bullshit,” I said, grinning broader at his shocked expression. “No old man dances the way you do.”

“Okay, how about this. If I promise we’ll come back another time, can we go home?”


On the way out, he put his hand on my lower back. He even opened the car door for me. On the drive home, I said, “Thanks for that. I had a great time.”

“So did I.” He smiled at me, then looked back at the road.