She was hard to stop looking at it. But I focused on the camera and had it mounted within a few minutes.

I was walking further into the trees, ready to mount the next one, when Callie screamed.

I raced toward her, relieved that I didn’t see anyone or the reason she was screaming.

“What’s wrong?” I shouted before I reached her.

“Get it off!”

She kept jumping, so when I reached her, I grabbed her arms. “Cal-”

Her whole body rolled in a wave-like motion while she pulled at her shirt, then she jerked, and I almost lost my grip on her. Instead, I held on, and she tipped us both sideways into the stream. I tried to help her up, but she was still flailing and making panicked noises, taking herself closer to the middle.

She shouted again and splashed around, pulling at her shirt until she finally had it over her head and off. Clinging to her chest, dark against her pale skin, was a deep green frog.

She waved her hands at her sides like she was afraid to touch it. “Get it off, get itoff!”

“Aright. Hold on.” Kneeling next to where she sat in the stream, I carefully reached for it.

“Wait!” She yelled.

I stopped short of reaching for her chest and looked down at her panicked expression.

“Don’t hurt it.”

I rolled my eyes.

She waved her hands and held her head up like she didn’t even want to see it.

The poor frog was probably more afraid than she was. It was perched on the band of her bra between her breasts.

Lucky bastard.

I reached for it and got my fingers around it, but it was slick enough that it slipped out of my grip and nestled closer to her, getting itself almost wedged between her bra and her breasts.

Callie squealed and wiggled, still whisperingget it, get it.

“I’m trying. Just hold still.” I reached for it, but it gave a slight jump out of her cleavage to the top of her breast. I grabbed it, but it slipped down into her cleavage again. As I tried to catch it, I ended up with a handful of Callie’s right breast.


I didn’t have time to apologize before the frog jumped again, nearly reaching her collarbone and giving me a chance to grab it. It dropped into her cleavage one more time.

“Blake!” She looked at me with pleading eyes.

I glanced at her, the corner of my mouth tugging into a smile.

“I’m trying! He’s a slippery little sucker.”

The more the frog tried to escape me, the more my hands and fingers kept brushing against her cleavage and her wet bra. The panicked frog finally tried burrowing between her breast and the cup of her bra, making Callie splash her hands in the water and squeal.

So, I went for it. My fingers slipped inside her bra, touching her skin, but I managed to scoop the frog out and keep my grip on it. Until it wriggled free and jumped, bouncing off my hand like a trampoline.

Callie lost it. It had already bounced away and made a splash far behind her, but she was under the water splashing at her chest like it was still there.

I reached for her. “It’s gone, it’s gone!” I said, unable to hold back the smile spreading across my face.

As I tried to help her up, she slipped on the moss-covered stones in the bed of the stream. I grabbed her to keep us both from falling. Every time she put her foot down, she slipped.