Page 28 of Only to Save You

“I promise. I can’t even walk properly, where am I going to go?” she jokes and I laugh, then wince.

“Don’t make me laugh, everything hurts.” I frown.

“Sorry, baby.” She smiles and I look at her. We stay like that for a while, in silence, just smiling at each other. Like we were both worried about how the other was but now that we’re both okay-ish, we can relax.

“I love you,” I whisper before I feel a yawn coming on.

“I love you too. If you fall asleep, I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere,” she promises and I nod. I know I need the sleep as much as I don’t want to. But I want to get better. So I hold Carter’s hand tightly and drift myself off to sleep. Thinking about me and her, thinking about all the things that are to come, and how much time we have to be together now that Steve isn’t an issue anymore. I relax into a dreamless sleep for once. My life being its own nightmare for the day.




“How do you feel about that?”my therapist, Christine asks. She pushes her glasses up her nose and straightens her notebook on her lap. She is always taking notes throughout the sessions. At first it used to bother me, but now I am used to it.

“I think that considering all I went through, I’m happy that Steve is no longer popping up in my dreams.” I smile. It is true, it has been a few weeks of therapy, starting right after the incident. And the first few weeks were hell, filled with nightmares and terrors that Steve was coming back for Carter and me. But with the help of therapy, and a non-temporary restraining order, I am finally feeling like myself again.

“That is fantastic.” She smiles.

“I think I want to push our sessions back to once a week, if you think I’m ready for that.”

“I think the real question is do you think you’re ready for that?” she retorts.

“I do. I want to spend more time working and with Carter. Three times a week has been a lot for me. Necessary, but a lot.”

“Well, I don’t see why we can’t try it out. I’ll keep your other spots open just in case you think you need it. You’re always welcome to pick back up. Progress isn’t linear,” she reminds me.

“Thank you.” I smile. My session is over so I grab my bag and walk outside. Carter is waiting for me next to her car, playing on her phone.

“Hey, babe.” I smile hugely. I love that she doesn’t mind picking me up and dropping me off for therapy.

“Hey, baby girl. You look like you had a good session.” She kisses me on the cheek and opens the car door for me. I slip in and she gets in on the other side.

“Wait! Where are your crutches?” I exclaim.Did she forget them somewhere?

“I’m done with them! My ankle is completely healed now.” She smiles proudly. “I stopped by the doctor during your session and they said I’m good to go!”

“That’s amazing!” Just one less reminder of the incident. My head had healed weeks ago and although I’ll always have a little scar, it is mostly hidden by my hairline.

“Are we headed home?” she asks. I like that she calls her place home, like we both live there. Which honestly, in the last few weeks, we definitely have. It was just easier staying in the same place especially when I couldn’t go on my phone and she needed help getting around. We both helped each other while we recovered together. Plus, I felt safer at Carter’s apartment.

“Yes, please, I need a long soak in the tub or something.” I smile.

“Oh yeah? Maybe I can give you a massage first?” She wiggles an eyebrow.

“Is that code for something else? Because if so, I’m in.” I bite down on my bottom lip.

We’ve had sex a few times in the last few weeks but it’s been different. Almost like she is treating me with kid gloves. I get it, we have both gone through a trauma. Me a little more than her with all the stuff from Steve beforehand, but I don’t want to be treated like I am going to break. I want her to treat me like she used to. Anything else is just a reminder of how what happened to us. And I prefer not to think about it unless I have to. Unless I am in therapy, it isn’t something I want on my mind all the time.

“It might be.” She winks and drives us to her apartment.

When we get in the place, I kick off my shoes and head straight for the bedroom. I am too eager to wait for Carter so I strip down to my panties and wait for her to meet me.

“Fuck,” she utters under her breath when she sees me. I’m sitting cross legged on the bed, waiting for her to join me.

“You’re too overdressed.” I crawl to the edge of the bed and begin kissing Carter. Our lips melting together as I unbutton her shirt and fiddle with her belt. Why does she have to be wearing so many layers? I tug her jeans down and she tears off her sports bra. God, I love her tits.