Page 25 of Only to Save You

“Ha, like I’m scared of two chicks.” He rolls his eyes.

“You should be afraid of the cops,” I add.

“Yeah, sure. What did you call them on your invisible phone? I’m not afraid of the cops. Lainey here’s been threatening that for weeks.”

“What the hell do you want with her anyway?”

“I want my girlfriend back.”

“Ha! Good luck with that.” I laugh. No way am I going to let Lainey go back to this loser, not that she’d ever want to.

“Please don’t engage with him,” Lainey whispers from behind me.

“I don’t know what you’re doing here, but it’s not going to work. Lainey is mine.” He scowls.

“It’s not like Lainey is something you can have. She’s a fucking human and she doesn’t belong to anyone. But right now she is my fucking girlfriend so no, she’s not coming with you or being with you ever again. I think it’s time for you to leave.”

I turn to Lainey. “Go call the cops.” She nods and heads into the apartment, rushing for her phone.

“The cops won’t do shit.” Steve laughs. “Another warning to stay away from Lainey won’t do anything.”

“What about a restraining order?” His face drops. What, did he not think of that? Considering all his harassment, I’m sure we’ll be able to get one no problem.

“She wouldn’t fucking dare,” he growls and Lainey’s back, phone to her ear talking slowly.

“Yes, I would,” she says loudly enough for him to hear.

I look between them with a smirk on my face, as if for me to say ‘told ya so’.

“All this started when she met you. If she hadn’t met you she’d still be mine so it’s your fucking fault,” he grumbles. Steve turns to go, and I think we’ve finally managed to get him to leave. But then it all happens so fast.

Steve’s picking up a piece of metal that’s been laying on the ground, something that looks like an old rusty pipe. He’s swinging it in the air like he’s a fucking madman. I’m about to block Lainey from getting hurt when she pushes me out of the way, causing me to fall to the ground, twisting my ankle. Just as the pipe connect with Lainey’s head and she falls to the ground.

“No!” Steve and I both scream in unison. It is clear that was meant for me. Lainey’s out cold and Steve drops the pipe but just as he’s about to make a run for it, help comes. The police witnessed the entire encounter, not being able to get out of their cars fast enough, but quick enough to make an arrest for once.

I crawl over to Lainey and look at her bleeding head. I am terrified he has killed her, something I will never forgive myself for. One of the cops pushes me out of the way and begins working on her. Tears start falling down my chin as I wait for some sense of relief that never comes.



“I don’t needany help, I need to know if my girlfriend is okay,” I yell at the EMT who tries putting an oxygen mask on me. They loaded Lainey into one without giving me any information and she is already on her way to the hospital.

“Look, the quicker you let us help you, the quicker we can get information on your friend,” one of the EMTs say.

“Girlfriend, not friend,” I repeat. I want it to be clear I am more than just some scatterbrained friend. She means everything to me and I don’t even know if she is okay or not. Thankfully she is alive, she had breathing sounds when she was leaving, but that is all I know.

I begrudgingly put on the oxygen mask and then let them look at my ankle. It feels like it is broken but I am braving it so they won’t make me go through an x-ray before I get to see Lainey. But of course, you can’t hide from medicine so when the EMT touches it and I almost scream out in pain, she orders an x-ray as soon as we get to the hospital.

“We’ll get an update on your friend as soon as possible,” the EMT says with kind eyes, resting a hand on my shoulder. I nod as they wheel me into the hospital and I peer around every corner just in case I see Lainey.

We head to get me an x-ray first and I don’t see Lainey. I sit as still as possible, hoping that if I can, I’ll be able to get this done as quickly as possible. As it turns out, it’s not broken, just a gnarly sprain. And the doctor actually uses the world gnarly. I think he is barely older than me and looks like a surfer, but I refrain from judgement. They bring me to a room to hang out in until a second doctor can come and take a look. But more than likely I’ll be on crutches for a few weeks. Which is fine, it isn’t my driving foot or anything. I can still do things if I need to.

“So, the police are coming by soon to get a statement from you,” one of the nurses explains.

“What for?” I think it is obvious what happened.

“Apparently it’s protocol,” she says with a shrug.