Page 11 of Fighting

“Yes. As the Don’s second daughter, you are technically higher ranking than Val.”

“But I’m not blood.” She whispers.

“Milan.” Luca says scooting closer to her so he can grab her hand. “We meant it when we said you are family. To Bosco you are his daughter. Same as Mario. To the rest of us, you are our sister, by law or by choice.”

“I thought you were just being polite. Like giving me the safety and housing of a daughter, with none of the other stuff.” She reveals

Luca smiles. “Nope. You are one hundred percent, the Don’s daughter, recognized by the Council and everything.” Milan’s smile gets bigger.

“So, who would I have to marry? Have you met him?” She asks.

“I have. The marriage would be to Ivan.”

“The future Pakhan?” She questions.

Luca nods. “Yes. He is a few years older than me I believe. He appears to value family, and declared he would honor his marriage vows.”

“Wow.” Her jaw is dropped in surprise.

“I want you to know, that I have not agreed on your behalf.” Adds Luca.

“But you will?”

“Not without your consent. Or Val’s. Ivan gave us two option, a wife for him, or a husband for his Second’s little sister. She is only eight so Val would have some time before he’s married. Your’s would take place shortly after you turn eighteen.” Replies Luca. “I don’t need an answer today. I want you both to think on it. And let me know if you have any questions.”

With that, Luca leaves the room. Neither Milan or I move.

“Wow.” She says.

I can only nod. Shit. Fuck. What do I do if Milan says no, I will have to agree, then if I find Keira, what the fuck would I do.

“You’re thinking awfully hard over there. Care to share?” She asks.

I run my fingers threw my hair. “There’s someone from my past I’m trying to find. I think Santo might have had something to do with it.”

“You loved her.” I can’t help the recoil my body does at her words. How the hell did she know that? I stare at her for a moment before she laughs and continues. “You looked stressed, angry even at the prospect of an arranged marriage. But I know you. You are loyal to the family. If Luca asked you to do it, you would do it. So that had to mean you didn’t want the marriage, because you had someone else in mind.”

“When the hell did you get so smart?” I tease.

Her smile turns sad. “The day I got to start thinking and acting for myself.”

“And that’s another reason I would do it Milan. You have had enough choices taken away from you. I don’t want this to be another one.”

She stands and moves to sit beside me. Taking one of my hands in hers. It’s comforting. Almost motherly. “Val. I grew up as the Don’s daughter. I’ve had an arranged marriage in place since I was eight. I knew I would never choose my husband. I accepted that long ago. Did I for a time hope it would be to Luca? Yes. Because Luca would have been polite to me, even if he ignored me. He wouldn’t have thrown mistresses in my face, or breed an army of children he never intended to get to know. Would I have loved Luca, probably not. But I would have admired and respected him. By the sounds of it, I could have that with Ivan. We don’t know him, so I can’t be sure. But the chance is there for me.”

“I can dig into him for you. Find any skeletons in his closet.” I offer.

She smiles appreciatively. “Thank you Val. I would like that. In the meantime, I hope you find the one you are looking for.” Giving my hand one last squeeze, she stands and heads for the door.

“Are you sure about this Milan?” I call to her. “We don’t have to give an answer yet.”

“Then we won’t, but if Luca asks before you decide, I will accept Ivan’s offer.”



IT’S BEEN Aweek since the incident at the marina. We’re just leaving the Russian’s restaurant. Luca, Massimo and I are all in separate cars with our own escorts. We’ve been making plans to go after the Cartel. I’m curious as to why Ivan hasn’t asked about the arranged marriage deal. Truthfully, it’s probably a good thing he didn’t. I’m not sure Luca has an answer.