Page 8 of Fighting

The cousin doesn’t acknowledge the interruption as he continues to speak. “To bring in the new, we need to remove the old.” The cousin turns to Killian’s dad as pulls out a gun from underneath his suit jacket. “Good-bye and good riddance old man.”

Bam. The cousin fires a single shot. The dad falters back a few steps then crashes over the railing and disappears into the water with a splash. Before I can storm over to his cousin, Killian grabs my arm and begins dragging me away. Taking his queue, I pick up my pace and follow him. We’re rounding the bar when more shots are fired. This time into the crowd. The door behind the bar opens and two armed men appear. Killian disarms one guard. While he takes care of one, I set my sights on the second. I grab a champagne glass from the shelf, then bash the liquid end onto the cooler so it breaks in half, leaving me with the stem that now resembles a small knife. The second guard takes one look at me and must determine I’m not much of a threat. I get it. I’m five-four compared to his six foot something. I’m wearing a tiny dress and heals. In no way do I look like a threat, let alone an undefeated underground champ.

The fool turns his back on me, to jump into the fight with Killian and the other guard. I don’t let him take two steps before I’m on his back. The point of the flute stem buried in his throat. Severing his artery.

I’ve fought nearly a hundred men, in self defense, in the ring, and in practice. Never have I dealt a fatal blow. Until now. I jump off his back as he falls to the floor. I can’t do anything but stare. As a doctor I’m meant to do no harm.

“Well fuck that.” I declare to myself. When your life is in danger by psychos with guns, you fight. You fight to get away or you fight to the death.

Grady rushes to us as Killian snaps the neck of the first man. The crunch of tendons and possible bone send a shiver down my spine. I decide I’ll worry about the blood on my hands later. We’ve still got shit to deal with now.

“Ready for you port side, boss.” Grady hollers before running, gun drawn into the chaos.

Killian approaches slowly. “You did good.” He says as he takes my hand once more. We reverse directions and head back out from behind the bar. I hike the dress up over her hips. The damn thing is too tight and restrictive for this kind of physical activity. Thank god I thought to wear my bike shorts underneath.

Killian turns back to me as we sneak along the wall. The gun fire has stopped. There doesn’t appear to be many dead or dying. The ceiling is littered with holes. Looks like the gunfire may have been warning or intimidation shots. “No thong. That’s disappointing.” He says as we stop at the edge of a group cowering against a line of sofas.

Of course he would try to make me laugh in a situation like this. “Need to keep moving.” I remind him as his eyes remain locked on my shorts.

He gives a nod, and tears his eyes away from my legs. As we move further across the room, guilt threatens to overwhelm me. There are several people injured and bleeding. They need medical attention. I have to ignore every instinct in my body telling me to help them.

Killian must see the struggle in my eyes, and tugs me harder.

We get to the side of the boat, where the wall has turned into railing, without further incident. Killian climbs over first. As he reaches out to help me over, a single shot rings out. Blood blooms on Killian’s chest as he looses his grip and falls into the water.

“No!” I scream.


I’m pissed. Enraged. Angry. Fucking livid. I spin to find the cousin only a few feet away. Gun still smoking. A sadistic grin on his face. He is paying no attention to me. His eyes are on the dark water.

While he is focused elsewhere, I take the opportunity to charge him. He loses his balance and we tumble to the ground. I fight to extract the gun from his grip. His eyes flick to mine. Completely confused as to what just happened. Then the smirk returns to his face.

I wipe it off with an open handed slap to the face. Stunned, his hand instantly flies up to rub it. As though he cannot believe he just got bitch slapped. “Believe it asshole.” I say.

The slap must have knocked the sense back into him, because he begins to shout for his guards. “Grab her.” Hands pull at my arms from behind.

This is what I’ve trained for.

Never again will I be weak and unable to fight back.

I’m still close enough to the cousin to reach him with my feet. He thinks he has me cowed. Idiot. One swift kick and he drops to his knees. Hands cupping his balls as he moans in pain. The hands on me loosen slightly. Enough for me to drop to the floor like dead weight.

This breaks their grip completely. On the floor, I sweep my leg in a circle. It knocks one of the guards to the ground. I jump back up to my feet, then quickly land a couple combo punch to the ribs of the second guy, before sending a final punch to his throat. He drops just like the cousin. Gasping for air.

“Cahina!” I hear screamed from somewhere below. “Move that gorgeous ass!” It’s Killian. Thank god.

Looking around, I notice the cousin has run off, and everyone else is scrambling to evacuate as well. Smoke is coming from somewhere below deck.

“Damn it.” I mumble to myself as I leap over the railing and into the darkness to join Killian.



AN HOUR LATER, my hands shake as I try to finish the stitches on Killian’s shoulder. The shot went straight through. Missed everything major and didn’t even hit bone. He’s lucky. Another inch in any direction and it could have shattered his collarbone, or tore through an artery. A few inches and it would have hit his heart.

“Cahina.” I don’t answer. “Doc.” Killian says as he grabs my hands. He pulls them back as Grady grabs the needle from my hand and finishes up the stitch.