Page 23 of Fighting

“I'll make you love me again.” He whispers. Then his lips are on me. Owning me. Pouring his emotions into every movement. When my lungs ache from lack of air, he pulls back, but doesn’t let me go far. With more power in his words, and loud enough for Killian to hear, he continues. “I'll fight for an us. I’ll breathe to cherish you. I’ll awake each day to make you smile. I’ll die to protect you. And I’ll live to love you more and more each day, so never again will either of us need to feel the pain of being without the other.”

Unable to contain the happiness in my heart, I climb him like a tree. Needing his lips on mine to seal his promise. Tino doesn't hesitate to lift me into his arms. Securing me to him. When I feel my lungs once again burn for air, I pull back, but only enough to rest my head on his chest. I've missed this. Missed his kisses. Missed the safety of his arms.

Killian did a great job protecting me. I’m alive because of him. A debt still owed. Even with his protection, I never felt as safe as I did in Tino’s arms.

A throat clears beside us. Bursting my happy bubble.

Shit. Killian. I go to put my feet back on solid ground but Tino stops me. He holds me tighter, but does turn us so we can both look at Killian.

He gives me a smile, then turns to Tino, his gaze narrowed, his voice deep and menacing. “Hurt her, and I will spend a thousand nights torturing you before sending you to the gates of hell.” I’ve seen Killian mad. Witnessed him step into boss mode and beat men into submission. Never have I heard this version of him. It sends a chill down my spine. In a good way. It lets me know that Killian is releasing me from my commitment. That he’s happy for me. And that even though I am with Tino, a man in the opposing Mafia, he will still protect me.

Tino releases a hand from my ass and offers it to Killian. “Never.” He promises.

Killian looks to me for a moment, I give him a smile. It’s a small thank you compared to what I owe him. Smiling back, he grabs Tino’s offered hand, and says “I believe it’s past time our two families sat down.”

Together, we turn to the house. Killian and Grady ahead of us, and Tino still holding me in his arms. Everyone’s weapons are tucked away. I no longer see the snipers on the roof. The tension seems to be easing from everyone. Luca steps forward and holds his hand out to Killian then to Grady. “Agreed.” Then as he turns to lead everyone inside, he add, “you also owe me a new gate.”

Killian turns to me with a grin and a wink. It allows the rest of the tension and nerves to drain from my body. It leaves me feeling exhausted. Good thing I don’t need to walk, and Tino feels just as content to keep me in his arms. I have a feeling it will be a while before he is ready to let me go. Considering I have had limited physical contact with people for seven years, I am surprisingly okay with it.

Because it’s Tino.



WE COULDN’T ALLfit into the Don’s office, so we opted for the dining room. Violet, Livianna, and Milan are helping everyone settle by offering drinks, food and snacks. Killian and his second, Grady, are polite and patient as everyone bustles about.

Finally, when everyone has a drink and been offered food, Luca, who’s seated at the head of the table, clears his throat to get everyones attention. Immediately everyone silences and turns to him. Killian is across the table at the other head. Grady to his right, mirroring Massimo at Luca’s right. Bosco has take my usual seat to the left, so that Keira can sit down by Killian.

I don’t want her to feel like she has to choose sides. We are gathered peacefully and I want it to remain that way. The Irish have been a thorn in our side for decades, but much like how Santo deceived us, I am starting to believe the Irish, or at least Killian may be in a similar situation.

“Keira, can you tell us how you came to know Killian. As far as I know, you have no connection to the Irish family.” Starts Luca.

She squirms in the seat beside me. Looking to Killian and Grady. Before she responds, Killian speaks to her softly. “Go ahead Cahira. I don’t want you to have secrets from your family.”

She nods but then asks, “what about you’re…”

He reaches out to grasp her hand on the table. “I will share my bit after. I really do wish to work alongside the Caruso’s. I won’t hinder that trust by keeping unnecessary secrets from an ally.”

Keira appears to give his hand another squeeze before she lets him go and grabs my hands and places them both in her lap. “As Tino already knows, Santo came to me and forced me to write a break-up note. He was going to kill me, but I escaped. He had told me he would make Tino pay if I ever told him or tried to get in touch with him.” Her hands are shaking, so I grip them a bit tighter. “I didn’t get out of town fast enough. He sent men after me. First it was a car accident, then a drive-by shooting. There were a bunch of small attacks that were too frequent to be coincidental. About six month later, I gathered the courage to try and approach Club Vivid. Tino had told me it was family owned, so I hoped if I went, I could find someone who could reach him for me.”

Fuck, even without hearing it, I know this is the part she tells me about the scars on her back. I release her hands and grab her waist. I lift her onto my lap and tuck her in close to my chest. She leans against me.

“I was close. I could see the neon sign, when someone grabbed me. They pushed me into the alley. I tried to get away. There were two of them. I couldn’t escape. They were trying to rip my clothes off. Told me I was a pretty little thing and they couldn’t wait to feel me. I knew they were going to rape me, so I fought harder. They punched me and I think I blacked out for a minute, when I came to they had ripped my shirt off, but my pants were still on. One of the guys was still holding me. He had a knife. The second guy was on the phone. He was telling someone about my tattoo. Saying that they hadn’t been told I was protected.”

And she should have been. If she was ever in trouble with anyone in the family, that mark should have protected her, and had her brought to me.

“I’m not sure exactly what he was told, but when he hung up, he grab his knife and sliced through my tattoo, saying my protection was revoked. That I deserved everything I got for betraying the family. They cut me a few more times, until a group of guys heading to the club yelled at them to stop. The attackers ran off, and one of the guys gave me his shirt to cover up with. They offered to take me to the hospital but I didn’t know if they could find me there. I went back to my crappy new apartment and patched myself up as best I could.”

“I’m so sorry Keira. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you. My mark should have protected you. Those men should have called me no matter what that other person on the phone said.”

She nodded. “I stayed mostly in my apartment after that. I still had money from my parents, so I didn’t need to work. I only left to get groceries. I wasn’t attacked again, but I knew it wouldn’t last. Then one day while heading home from the store, I spotted a guy bleeding on the side of the road. I stopped to help him.” She looks at Killian and smiles. “It was Killian. I had no idea who he was, only that I needed to help. I brought him back to my place, patched him up, fed him, and let him rest. When he was feeling stronger he called Grady to have him pick him up. Before he left he told me he owed me a blood debt, and handed me a card with his number on it. Told me to call if I ever needed anything.”

She pauses so long, I wonder if she’s able to continue on. Tears are streaming down her cheeks again.

Finally Killian picks up where she left off. “Two weeks later she reached out. Told me her apartment was broken into. I didn’t ask questions. Grady and I hopped in a car and rushed to her. Brought her back to my apartment building, and promised to keep her safe. I knew there was something, or someone she was hiding from. A month later she trusted me enough to tell me about Val, and the attacks. I was never able to figure out who from your organization had threatened her or organized the attacks.”

“Santo. He’s dead now.” I tell him. I want him to know the threat is gone.