Page 2 of Fighting

I pull her in tighter to me and kiss her. It will only make it harder to leave, but I need her to feel how much I want to stay. I pull back after her mouth has been thoroughly ravished. Her cheeks are pink and she’s breathing heavier. We both are. I nip her lips once more. Unable to help myself. “Why don’t you head up now? Get settled in. Explore the house. Relax in the hot tub.”

“You sure?”

Kissing her one last time before pulling away. “Absolutely.” Taking the key to the house from my pocket, I tuck it into her pocket for her. “I’ll be there as soon as I can, and I won’t be leaving your side the entire weekend.”

“I’m holding you to that promise.”

“Scouts honor.”

“You weren’t a scout.” She teases.

A laugh bursts from my chest. “Okay, fine. How about pinky promise?” I stick my pinky up.

She wraps her tiny finger around mine and repeats. “Pinky promise.”

“No take backs.” I say.

This time she’s the one who laughs. “No take backs.” She agrees.

I lean in close and whisper in her ear. “Hope you realize you just agreed to do everything with me, including shower.” I kiss her cheek and slowly walk backwards away. “Naked.”

Shaking her head, she continues to laugh. “Counting on it.”

I mock surprise and slap a hand to my chest. “Dirty girl!”

“Yours.” Her teasing tone is gone. She’s all business. My serious girl.

“Damn right!” I give her one last look and blow a kiss. If the guys in the family ever saw me blow a kiss I’m sure they’d give me endless shit for it. I wouldn’t care. It would be worth it. “I’ve really got to go. I’ll see you soon babe.” The L word nearly slipped out. We haven’t said it yet. It’s been on the tip of my tongue for a while. I do love her. With every fiber of my being. Every piece of my soul. I’ve been waiting for the right time.

As much as leaving my girl sucks, I admit, I’m excited to finally join the ranks of made men in my family. It’s been a long time coming. It’s what I’ve trained for.

Fifteen minutes later I’m pulling into the compound. My heart is pounding in my chest. It’s not nerves. Not exactly. It’s hard to explain. I’ve known for over a decade I would be expected to kill. To take life when needed for the family. Now that the time is here, my body is preparing itself. Adrenaline is beginning to course through my veins as I make my way to the Don’s office.

There is no need to knock. The doors are open. Stepping inside, I am surprised at the number of men in the room. Usually the initiation is done by your direct report and the Capo of your region. I’m a son of the Underboss so I technically report to him. My father is standing beside Don Bosco in front of his desk. Santo stands slightly behind them, leaning against the window sill. My brother, Luca, is standing by the wall of bookshelves. His presence surprises me, as does Massimo’s. He’s in the corner, standing like a silent sentry. He’s Luca’s best friend, and like another brother to me. We’ve all grownup together.

Don is the first to greet me. “Valentino, my boy! How are you?”

I make sure to take his offered hand and shake it firmly. It’s the first test. “I’m well sir. And you?” Using my hand he pulls me in for a hug.

“Always so damn formal.” He ruffles my hair like he did when I was a boy. I suppose in his eyes I still am. You aren’t a man in the family until you’re a made man. “Before we get to the main event, let’s sit.” He says as he gestures to the couches.

Don and Luca take a seat on one side of the room, my father and I on the other. Massimo and Santo remain where they are.

“What I am about to say does not leave this room. Understood?”

I nod. “Of course sir.”

“Good.” He leans forward. His arms resting on his knees. “Without a male heir of my own, I have decided to arrange a marriage for my daughter. The council has agreed that her husband of my choosing will become my successor.” I don’t interrupt, but nod along so he knows I am listening and understand. The line of succession in our family must follow blood or get approval from the council, failure to do so has resulted in a bloody and deadly civil war in the past. No one wants a repeat of that. “In ten year’s time, the man to marry my daughter, will be your brother. Luca.”

Holy shit!

Talk about dropping a bomb. I try not to let my shock show on my face. I’m not sure how successful I am. I’m honestly too stunned to care. Turning to Luca, his face is his usual stoic, firm, expressionless face. Only the twinkle in his eye gives away his excitement. Even knowing Luca was meant to be Underboss which is only a step below Boss, neither of us believed there was ever a chance he would get to take the role. Hell, our family wasn’t meant to be Underboss either. Our father wasn’t anywhere on Don Bosco’s radar until the night he saved his life, he was just a lowly soldier back then.

Don Bosco had been jumped in an alley. He was getting his ass beat until our father jumped in to defend him. Don immediately took a liking to Dad. They became friends, and as time went on, dad became one of his most trusted men. When Don was forced to replace his Underboss, he refused to accept anyone the Council nominated. Told them it was Dad or no one.

Don relaxes back into his seat. A smirk on his face. He turns momentarily to Luca and gives him a nod. “Val, brother. You have always had my back. The spot as Underboss should be yours.” It should. But I’ve never wanted it. The Underboss is an enforcer role. While I’m prepared to take life, and extract information when needed, it’s not a job I’ve ever dreamed of, even with knowing I was technically second in line for the position. Luca leans forward, similarly to the way the Don was sitting. “I’d rather you be my Consigliere.”

“What?” The word slips out before I can stop it. While Underboss is the right hand man, the Consigliere is the left. It’s a position that’s nearly invisible to the outside world. He is the adviser, the strategist. He has the ear of the Don more than anyone else.