Page 71 of Dark & Beastly Fae

“Nope.” I dodged his first question about what I was doing there, electing to lift the drink to my nose and sniff it.

It smelled so strong it made my eyes water, so I set it right back down. If I experimented with fae ale, I wasn’t going to do it surrounded by strangers. For all I knew, they could lock me up and make me grow their crops too.

Then again, it wasn’t as if I’d be difficult for them to trap if they wanted to. They were immortal fae warriors, after all.

The man who’d touched my ear took my drink, since his own was gone, and swallowed it in three loud gulps.

Maybe he wasn’t the best choice to sit next to.

“You didn’t say why you’re here,” he pointed out.

“I was lonely,” I admitted.

He grinned at me, leaning closer. “I can keep you company.”

The guy who’d smacked his hand leaned past me again and shoved at the other man’s chest, hard. “Go home, or I’ll kick your ass for the king.”

The drunk man laughed, but he climbed out of his chair and swaggered off.

“Guess he’s afraid of you,” I told the man sitting next to me.

“Guess so.” He grunted.

“I’m going to have to start a new bond after the eclipse,” I told him, the words blurting out of my mouth. “If I don’t, I’ll lose control of my magic again, and I’ll be unconscious most of the time.”


“Yeah. I…” I bit my lip. “I’m Nissa.” I offered him a hand.

He eyed it but didn’t shake it. “Noin,” he said. “And I’m sure the king will be here soon. I wouldn’t mention looking for a new bond until after your current one is broken if you don’t want to get locked in the castle.”

He paused for a moment, then added, “And you should put ale on your ear; if Kier smells another man on your skin, he’ll go hunting.”


“Thanks,” I said weakly.

The woman who’d given me the first drink showed up with a new glass and set it down in front of me. “I found some weak ale in the back. It should be safer for you.”

“Thank you.” I gave her a small smile, and she left me with the ale.

I sipped a tiny bit, making a face at the strange, bitter taste.

Maybe going to a tavern wasn’t such a good idea after all, because somehow, doing so had only managed to make me feel even lonelier. And the constant pain in my wrist only made that worse.

I wished Kierden was there… even though I knew I needed to move on.



Irubbed the exhaustion out of my eyes, staring at the sheet-covered bodies as if merely looking at them would produce the answers I needed.

After the elves had ridden in with their glittering magic and unreasonably delicate dresses, they’d formed an invisible shield over my city. The warriors and kings who’d been in my kingdom for the events had gone home soon after, thankfully.

When that was done, I’d gone back to the castle and spent the rest of my day trying to figure out the damned murders that had been plaguing us for so long.

I itched to go find my female, who must’ve been in and out of the castle all day if the ache in my palm was any sign. I knew she’d be safe with Bright, and I had a responsibility to my people to look for any evidence.