Page 62 of Dark & Beastly Fae

We spent the next two days doing nothing of real worth. Kierden made me stay in his room to rest, since he was unconvinced that I’d already recovered. We chatted a little—him, mostly. I dodged pretty much all of the questions he asked me, since most of them were about my past, and I didn’t want to keep talking about it. Particularly when he hadn’t shared any pieces of his own history.

So, we settled on reading books and discussing them afterward, with our bonded esu snuggling up with us and offering the occasional thought.

It surprised me to find out how many emotions the king had when it came to fictional worlds. Especially because I had many emotions of my own. Many times, books had been what kept me sane in my tower, and they were the only real thing of value that my town had given me.

Then again, those books usually arrived after days where I’d gotten particularly agitated… and perhaps seemed slightly insane. So, my mother had probably been hoping the books would keep me docile.

On top of the reading, Kierden fed me alot. We had five meals a day, and after I was certain I couldn't eat anything else, he fed me dessert.

It probably should’ve driven me mad to be stuck in his room, but I didn’t feel trapped. I felt cared for, strangely enough. It was a foreign feeling, but one I loved.

And the fact that he slipped his hand between my thighs and gave me a climax every night before we fell asleep, without asking for anything in return, definitely didn’t hurt.



When a knock came on the third day and Eisley said she needed us immediately, I was honestly a little sad.

We assumed the elves had arrived. As disappointing as it was, I’d known that life would eventually have to return to our version of normal, where Kierden ignored me, and I acted like I wasn’t attracted to him.

I stepped into the bathroom to change, and took off the massive shirt I’d borrowed from the king. When I slipped into my orange dress, it caught on my hips. I had to tug hard to get it over them, which made me frown.

A glance at myself in the mirror made my eyes widen.

The dressfit.

Veil, it didn’t evenfit. It wastoo tight.

I beamed at my reflection as I turned sideways to see my profile, and the curves in it.

Damn, I looked good.

I definitely wasn’t the same size or shape as any fae woman I had met, but I loved the flare of my hips, the softness of my belly, and the fullness of my breasts. They were healthy, human, andalive.

Kierden was waiting for me on the edge of the bed when I stepped out, and slowly, his eyes moved down my figure.

And then back up.

And then down again.

When they finally collided with mine, he couldn’t have missed my grin.

His own lips curved upward slowly, until they formed a smirk. “Your dress is too tight; I suppose you’ll have to wear the metal lingerie again.”

I laughed. “Too bad you broke it.”

We slipped out—him first and me second, with both esu behind me—but halted when we found a grave-looking Eisley waiting in the hallway.

“What happened?” Kierden’s growl was immediate, every ounce of humor gone.

“We found another couple,” Eisley said.

The sickness in her expression told me they’d probably found the couple mated and murdered.


We’d thought she was there because of theelves.