Page 35 of Dark & Beastly Fae

It was perhaps the most infuriating thing about her, as well as one of the sexiest.

Even in the Broken Woods, she had refused my control. She had dodged my every attempt to assert dominance over her, sometimes simply by meeting my eyes and saying nothing at all.

I crossed the room and slipped beneath the luxurious blankets on my bed. Though I had no real need for the luxury, it eased the nightmares that plagued me at times.

My human continued tossing and turning.

Even if I’d closed my eyes, I wouldn’t have been able to sleep. Not while she was on the floor. I hadn’t managed to fall asleep before her while we slept together yet, my mind constantly struggling with the driving need to touch her.

Her scent and skin had been difficult to resist in the forest, even with the dirt and sweat clouding it.

Now, resistance was growing impossible.

I ached badly for her. I’d never had urges intense enough to feel likeneedsbefore. The need to taste her. To touch her. To watch her unravel on my fingers, tongue, and cock, repeatedly.

My cock throbbed as I remembered the soft noises she’d made, and the way she’d reacted to my touch.

Veil, I’d wanted her.

I still did.

There was nothing to be done about it, so I tried to settle myself.

I was failing.

“Did the bond cause you pain when I was fighting?” I asked her, unable to stay silent while she continued tossing and turning. I could nearlysmellthe woman’s frustration.

“Yes. Bright and Sharp tried to bring you back to me.” She didn’t bother acting like she was asleep—or hiding the frustration in her voice.

She had every right to be exactly that, too. I hadn’t even thanked her for tending my wounds, something only a sibling or healer would normally do.

I had treated her terribly in my attempt to prevent myself from falling in love with her. As much as I despised hurting her, my intention had been to keep her alive.

But she would hate me if I didn’t find another way to maintain that distance, and some part of me couldn’t stand the idea of her hatred.

“Death didn’t tell me until after the fights had ended. I’ll stay closer from now on.”

There was a long pause, as if she was debating what to say. She finally settled on, “Thank you.” After another pause, she asked, “Did it hurt you too?”

The pain had melded with the twisted magic of the Beast’s tracking rune on my skin. It was brutal, but I couldn’t tell her that. Not while I still felt like a monster for leaving her hurting for so long.

“Some,” I said.

“The fighting probably distracted you.”

She was right, though she didn’t sound happy about it.

The doors swung open, and both of our bonded esu came walking back into the room.

“That ended quickly,”Death drawled into my mind.

My lips curved wickedly at his sarcasm.“Asshole.”

“Likewise. I assume your female fought back when you pinned her?”

“She enjoyed it, actually.”

He leapt onto the bed smoothly and silently, settling in the spot he always claimed as his.“Not enough to sleep beside you again.”