Page 33 of Dark & Beastly Fae

I’d like to be able to see the world that way, even though I didn’t know how I’d ever get to that point.

“You said you’re always at war, though, and you guys are pretty violent. That’s the opposite of peace of mind.”

He chuckled. “No one remembers the purpose of our war. We didn’t fight over offenses or glory; we fought because it was a tradition, and it’s hard to break tradition after that many centuries. Now that we’ve broken it, we fight for fun.”

I supposed I wasn’t going to win that argument. Surprisingly enough, I didn’t mind.

“So do you hate my orange dress?” I tried to lighten the mood. “I feel like you insulted it.”

As soon as the words slipped out, I wondered why I cared what his opinions about my dress were. Maybe I was just trying to stir the pot or stoke the flames.

He grunted as I pressed the bandage over the cut on his leg and held it in place for a moment. “The color doesn’t bother me, though I’d prefer you wear nothing at all.”

My eyes widened, and then caught on the thick length of his erection.

I couldn’t ignore it any longer.

My hand lingered on his thigh, though the bandage had to have been secured for ages already.

“There’s curiosity in your eyes,” Kierden said.

“I’ve never seen a cock before,” I admitted, immediately biting my lip and regretting the admission.

“Then this is quite the treat for you,” he drawled.

The sarcasm relaxed my shoulders, and I bit back a laugh as my face heated “Oh, yes.”

He chuckled. The sound surprised me so much that I looked up at him, and found his lips curved upward slightly.

My gaze dipped back to his erection, and I wondered if the romance books had lied to me about the way cocks felt. Steel and silk, they always claimed.

The king said, “Your forehead is creased. You’re welcome to throw a towel over me if I’m bothering you.”

I warred with my conscience for a moment before deciding not to hide what I wanted. “Can I touch you?”

His gaze was scorching. “You don’t ever need to ask to give me pleasure. The answer is always yes.”

My face flushed. “I’m not going to get you off. You left me all frustrated.”

“Tell me your name and I can fix that.”

I blushed hotter. “No.”

He chuckled. “You don’t have to make me climax to touch me, little human. Any touch would be a pleasure.”

I wanted to turn him down and walk away…

But I was too curious.

So I lifted my hand off his thigh and carefully wrapped it around his erection. He throbbed in my grip, just as hard and soft as the books had promised me. “Damn, Kierden,” I whispered, trying to ignore the wetness between my thighs.

“You approve?” Kierden was trying to make a joke, I thought, but his voice was too low and intense for it to hit right.

“You feel incredible.” I slowly slid my hand down the length of him, and then back up again.

He growled at me, catching one of my knees and using it to open my thighs for him. His fingers dragged over my core again through the fabric that covered them, and I bit back a moan.

I wanted more.