Page 23 of Dark & Beastly Fae

There was blood dripping off both of them in a few different locations, though I couldn’t see the wounds that were the source of it. It smeared on the ground as they moved a bit, and finally, the man beneath Kierden slapped his hand on the smooth wooden floor four times.

The king released the other man and rose to his feet smoothly. His lips were stretched in a wicked grin, and the other guy wore a grimace that somehow looked satisfied.

The roaring of the crowd grew deafening as the king wiped blood off his lip, which was definitely swollen. That was the source of some of the blood, but only a little.

My eyes moved slowly over the king’s figure and my body heated as I took him in.Allof him. His cock wasn’t hard, but damn, he was still impressive.

He had a few small bleeding cuts on his arms and legs but didn’t pay them any mind. The fabric he’d wrapped around his hand still remained, looking a lot bloodier than it had the last time I saw it.

Kierden offered the losing fae a hand, which he accepted. When the king had helped tug him to his feet, he and Kierden clapped each other on the back in a strange hug before he strode off the field.

Kierden turned back to the crowd, opening his arms as he faced them in all his gorgeous, naked glory and roared, “Who will challenge me?”

The words nearly started a frenzy.

“Do it,” Laeli whispered to me, nudging me with her shoulder. I had been so lost in looking at Kierden’s body that I’d forgotten we were there to test the fae males’ possessiveness somehow. “Challenge him. You know you want to roll around with all of that.”

My body flushed hotter. “No thanks.”

“He wouldravageher,” Eisley tossed out.

Laeli snorted.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

Eisley just grinned at me before turning back to watch the fight.

Someone else came out to wrestle Kierden. I didn’t see them, because in that moment, his eyes collided with mine.

My breath halted in my lungs, and my body went still.

Kierden’s gaze went from bloodthirsty to just plain furious in a heartbeat. His gaze jerked to his sister as his lips twisted in a snarl.

His chest heaved as he turned to face the new challenger.

I couldn’t bring myself to look away when he and the man lunged for each other.

They moved so fast it made me dizzy.

Strong arms flexed, thick thighs moved and rolled and swung. Blood spurted, and the fae’s back hit the ground so hard I could almost hear the thud over the sound of the fae roaring all around us.

Kierden was back on his feet a moment later, wiping at his nose. He ignored the crowd, his gaze meeting mine once again with even more fury. His mind touched mine—the feeling was foreign and strangely intimate. It had been more than a week since we’d spoken mentally, and that had been an accident.

This was on purpose, and the connection felt thicker and stronger.

“Get out of here now,”Kierden snarled into my mind. He was turning toward another challenger as he spoke to me, but he soundedlivid. I’d never seen or heard him that angry before, and wasn’t sure what to think about it.

A thick, furry head bumped lightly against my hip. When I looked beside me I found Bright there, with Death just a short distance away from her.“Kierden asked Death to remove you from the arena,”she murmured.

I opened my lips to protest, but noticed that my new friend was gone and looked at Eisley instead. “What happened to Laeli?”

“You didn’t hear Ravv show up? He was pissed.” She grabbed my arm. “We need to go. Kier looks like he wants to kill me, and I’m usually the one person hedoesn’twant dead.”

“I’d rather stay.”

“Please? We can find you something new to eat. And some clothes that actually fit.” Despite asking politely, she was already tugging me away.

With a sigh, I slipped onto Bright’s back. She streaked out of the stadium and then into the trees, once again following Sharp closely.