Page 16 of Dark & Beastly Fae

“This is the castle,”Bright told me.

Flowers blossomed on the tree and vines as we passed through the open doorway, and Kierden growled a few more curses as we left them behind.

The king had to take at least some of the blame for that. It wasn’t my fault he’d combined our magics, making mine work so much better than it usually did, without exhausting me so quickly.

Bright and Death carried us through a maze of hallways before we finally blazed through a door and into a massive room. We’d passed many fae, but none of them bowed at Kierden. They just looked at us both curiously.

The doors to the room closed behind us as I slipped off Bright’s back. Kierden dismounted too, and we both gave the esu an affectionate scratch behind the ears while I looked around. The room was made entirely of wood, as was to be expected considering we were in a gigantic tree. The wood was smooth, and sealed with something that made it just a little shiny.

Without saying a word to me about where we were or exactly what we were doing there, Kierden strode toward a large pool of water off to the side of the room. It had to be at least as big astwoof my tower.

“You’re bathing,” he told me as he went.

I blinked at him before my gaze moved back to the room. It had to be Kierden’s room, based on the way he was making himself at home in it.

It was as big as three homes in my town, with a bed nearly the size of my tower up against one wall, a closet and bathroom up against the second, and the dark stone bathing pool in the corner where the other two met.

There were no windows, but that seemed intentional. It was large, and I could tell everything was made with the utmost luxury. But it seemed… bland.

Even my tower had a few simple decorations.

A pretty blue bowl someone had once sent with my food in it, on the table in the tiny kitchen I’d never had enough food to use.

A small ribbon I’d tied my wild, wavy dark green hair back with as a child.

The many books the town gave me to keep me from going insane.

Kierden’s room had none of those things.

My gaze moved back to the pool. If that was his bathtub, perhaps small decorations weren’t good enough for him.

My eyes widened when the king pushed his shorts down his thighs, and my cheeks began to burn. Part of me felt like I should jerk my head and look away, but the part of me that warmed every time we shared a bed kept me watching.

I wasn’t sure what most men’s asses looked like but damn, his was nice. I suddenly understood the appeal of a strong backside.

Self-consciousness had me patting my own.

Nope, it certainly wasn’t strong. Or soft.

Guess I’d be leaving my dress on.

“I’ll bathe after you,” I told the king, finally forcing myself to look away as I turned and began to rub the fur on Bright’s head. She leaned toward me as I did.

A chuff escaped her when Death crossed the room rapidly and then dove into the pool in a sleek motion. My gaze followed the esu.

Kierden ignored my words, disappearing beneath the water. Soap bubbled up to the surface as he scrubbed his skin and hair, and I wondered if it took him any effort to stop his ice magic from just leaking out and freezing the water. I couldn’t imagine having an ice power that worked the way my own magic did. What a nightmare.

The king broke the surface after a moment and then climbed out of the pool while facing away from me. My eyes followed the water down his back, to his ass, to his thighs, and I found myself wiping at my mouth just to make sure I wasn’t drooling.

I wasn’t, thankfully.

He grabbed a towel I hadn’t noticed hanging nearby and dragged it over his head. I watched as he dried his arms off, and then wrapped the towel around his waist. Before he was done, I made sure to turn myself toward Bright and focused on scratching her ears so he wouldn’t realize I’d been staring at him.

But damn, I had really wanted him to turn toward me. I’d never actually seen a cock before, and I was curious.

That was probably a bad thing to admit, but I didn’t particularly care if it made me terrible.

As he strode toward the closet, the entry doors burst open and a gorgeous fae woman walked through with a massive esu at her side. All she had on was a black binding around her chest and tiny black shorts. Relief gleamed in the woman’s eyes, until they landed on me.