Page 106 of Dark & Beastly Fae


Afew hours and a few dozen stories later, we emerged from the bathing pool and got dressed again. I think we could’ve lasted a bit longer, but my stomach started growling, and my hunger made Kierden grumpy.

So, we headed to the dining hall.

Despite the horror of what had happened a few hours earlier, I felt closer than ever to the king. We’d talked like old friends, and something about hearing stories of the stupid things he’d done when he was younger made him feel more real to me.

“The cooks will have brought out the ale, so prepare yourself,” he warned me as we walked. “My fae will be drunk. Very drunk.”


Despite my confirmation, I wasn’t really prepared for what we walked in on.

The dining hall was absolutely full—I didn’t see a single empty seat, anywhere. The walls were lined with even more people, too. They were everywhere.

A group of men and women in one corner were singing loud and drunkenly, at least a dozen of them strumming stringed instruments. They were completely out of rhythm, and the clashing sounds made me cringe a little.

In another corner there were a handful of fae crying together with a pile of tissues on the table in front of them.

The third corner held fae who were playing games with cards and dice, some of them roaring with laughter while others looked angry or grumpy.

The last corner held a buffet of food, and there was another table beside it with dozens of glasses of ale lined up on it.

I whistled.

He pulled me behind him as he began weaving around the tables. Some of the people moved for him, but some were just too drunk.“The goal is to get food and get out before too many people notice us.”

“What happens if they notice us?”

“They’ll convince me to drink with them,”he grumbled.

My lips curved upward.“I kind of want to see you drunk.”

“You will eventually.”

When we reached the buffet table, we both loaded our plates quickly. Kierden wasn’t satisfied with the amount of food I put on mine, so he piled more on it before he snagged it from me and then started back toward the door.

“King Kier!” one of the male fae exclaimed, his voice extremely slurred.

“I’m busy,” Kierden said, as we neared our escape.

“It’s okay if you want to spend the evening drinking with them. They knew Dirue the same way you did, and you could all talk about her. It might give you closure,”I told him.“It won’t offend me. I understand, and can spend the night with Bright and Death, or—”

“I don’t need closure.”He led me out of the dining hall. The noise faded as we walked further from it.“I got that when I saw her go up in ashes, and I’ve had all day to accept the truth. Now, I want to be distracted. Preferably by your body.”

I didn’t really believe him about having accepted everything, but if he wanted a distraction, I could give him that.

“Alright. If you change your mind, that’s okay.”

“I’m not going to change my mind, Nissa. I want you bare and writhing with pleasure through the whole damn night.”He pushed the door to his room open with his shoulder, and held it for me while I stepped through too.

“Sounds like fun.”

“Mmhm.”He turned just slightly, only enough for my hip to brush against his erection as I walked past him.

Veil, he was hard.

“Do you think Bright and Death are going to mate soon?” I asked him as we walked to the bed together.