Page 78 of Dark & Beastly Fae

His expression morphed into a scowl. “I told her that I already had a mate, and that I wasn’t interested in her. I moved my hand away as soon as she touched me; it’s not as if I encouraged her.”

“I saw that part, too. You didn’t hold her hand, which makes me feel better. But something inside me sort of… lost it when she touched you. I wanted tokillher, which obviously wouldn’t work out, since she’s a warrior and I’m a farmer.”

His eyes gleamed wickedly. “If you wanted to end her, I would hold her down for you.”

I laughed. “How romantic.”

“She’s been a thorn in my side for a long, long time. I suppose I should admit, she propositioned me once to spend the eclipse with her.”

My eyebrows shot upward, and every ounce of humor and desire I’d felt vanished. “You hadsexwithher?”

“No. She propositioned me, and I turned her down. I haven’t had sex in…” He thought about it for a moment and then finally admitted, “A long time.”

“How long, exactly?” My curiosity was rising.

“Nearly four centuries, at my best guess.”

I nearly choked on my own spit. “You’re ancient.”

“Time means little to me. So much of my life has been spent in war that I feel like I still haven’t truly lived.”

“Why did the war start in the first place?”

“No one remembers, yet we were all too old and too stubborn to stop, until recently. Vayme lost his twin brother a few years ago, and he came to me, pleading with me to consider putting an end to the fighting before we made ourselves extinct. It took a lot of time to convince our people, and ourselves, but it seems to have worked.” He paused, and then added, “As long as you ignore that someone sent assassins after us as punishment for creating peace.”

I gave him a sad smile. “I wouldn’t live very long here if war broke out again.”

He dragged me closer. “Actually, with your ability to grow food for us, you would be our highest priority to protect even if you weren’t my mate. The other kingdoms wouldn’t try to kill you—they would try to take you, for the advantage of your magic.”

I grimaced. “Well, that might be even worse than dying.”

Kierden chuckled, lowering his lips to mine and capturing my mouth again.



My thoughts vanished entirely as I wrapped my arms around the man’s neck and deepened the kiss.

He began slowly walking us backward while our mouths moved together, stopping only when my ass met a wall. I hooked a leg around his hip, and he lifted me up without breaking the kiss. His erection met my core, and I wrapped my other leg around his ass as I ground against him. I was already wet with desire, and there was no way he hadn’t realized it.

The kiss grew rougher, and Kierden lifted one of my hands to his hair. I dug my fingers into the thick, soft strands as he released my mouth to move down the column of my throat, sucking, licking, and biting me.

He eased my core away from his cock, unwrapping my legs enough to take a step to the side and open me up to him.

“Your skin is so damn delicious, little human.” His lips worked their way back up my throat, then tugged my hair out of the way so he could trace the curve of my ear with his tongue.

I shuddered against him.

He withdrew for a moment—long enough to growl, “Why does your ear taste like ale?”


“Must’ve spilled,” I mumbled.

“Nissa,” he growled.

“Just kiss me.”