Page 84 of Siren

Finn’s phone blared from his back pocket. Ursa’s gaze snapped to him with irritation as he took the call.

“Your little boyfriends are probably trying to get a hold of your father right about now.” Ursa checked her watch.

“Yeah. I’ll let her know.” Finn ended his call. “They got Ares.”

Ursa’s teeth snapped. She turned her angry gaze on Ariella with flared nostrils.

“If they think that will help them or you, they’re wrong.” She straightened up, running her hands over the bodice of her dress. “It’s fine. We’ll deal with them later.”

“You won’t touch them!” If she went after Garrick, hurt him in some way, she would never forgive herself.

“Of course, I won’t.” Ursa’s painted lips curled at the edges. “That’s what I pay people for.”

“My father is going to find me.” Ariella sank onto the edge of the bed as sharp pain struck her abdomen; her head swirled. “He won’t let you get away with this.”

“I’m counting on that.” Ursa’s eyes lit up like some great prize was headed her way. All of her plans were falling into place. “The receipt puts him in some hot water, and now that I have you and the proof, he’ll pay whatever price I want to keep me from going to Tiryns and the Faulkins.” She smirked. “And it’s a steep price, my dear.”

Ariella bent over as a cramp hit her.

“Everything. All Trident businesses. Even the ones he runs in the dark.”

“You’re a monster,” Ariella hissed, leaning forward as another cramp hit her.

Ursa’s smile slipped slightly. “You got to have your fun, didn’t you? You even got to sing on stage. I’ll be honest, I didn’t think that would happen. Silly girl with your silly dreams.”

“Bastian had his fun, too, from what I heard.” Finn folded his arms over his chest.

Ariella looked up at him, wishing she had the energy to throw her fist in his face, but her body weakened as the dizziness increased.

“You leave him out of this. You’ll never be half the man Bastian is.” She swallowed back bile. “When Bastian and Garrick find me, they’re going to rip you apart.” They had to find her; they wouldn’t just give up on her. Their overprotectiveness and overbearing natures will finally come in handy.

Finn squatted in front of her, bringing his hateful gaze to meet hers.

“Bastian is a prick.” He knuckled her chin when her head rolled forward. His brow wrinkled the longer he stared at her. “She doesn’t look so good.”

“She’ll be fine.” Ursa pressed the back of her hand to Ariella’s forehead. “Hmm. You do look worse than I’d like. How much of that stuff did you give her?” She turned her question to Finn.

“The amount you said.” He answered, letting Ariella’s chin go and standing back up. Ariella glanced over at the nightstand, at the empty glass. The water. He’d poisoned the water.

“Why?” She pointed at the glass.

“Insurance, my dear. We can’t have her dead, though. Henry won’t pay for a dead daughter. Finn, help her back into bed.” Ursa snapped at him.

“I won’t let him give you anything,” Ariella claimed as another cramp rippled through her abdomen.

“No one’s asking you.” Ursa shot at her. “I’m going downstairs to get the contracts all printed for him. Once I have his signatures, you’ll be all better and can go home. Or back to Kassel with your little duo.” She patted Ariella’s head.

“Don’t do this,” Ariella begged. If she’d only listened and hadn’t put her dreams so far ahead of everyone else, this wouldn’t be happening.

Ursa ran her hand over Ariella’s cheek, cupping her chin to lift it higher. Fear bubbled up inside Ariella at the pure evil simmering in her aunt’s eyes. Ariella had never seen such hatred before.

“You pour, unfortunate girl,” Ursa mocked. “This isn’t about you. This is about me finally getting everything I deserve. You’re just collateral damage. Let’s hope your father loves you as much as I’m betting he does.” She let go of Ariella’s chin and patted her cheek. “Because if he doesn’t…” Her lips, with her blood-red lipstick thickly painted, slowly spread into a grin that turned Ariella’s blood cold.

Finn gently pushed Ariella’s shoulders back and lifted her legs, helping her settle back against the pillows.

“Get some rest.” Ursa patted her cheek again, then glided out of the room as though she stood on a black cloud.

“You’ll be all right as soon as your father gives her what she wants. She’s not after you.” For a brief second, he sounded like himself. The fun, up for a laugh Finn she’d known for years. But when she turned her gaze up at him, she saw him for what he really was. An opportunistic asshole. He’d sell anyone out if it would make him a buck.