Page 75 of Siren


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The piano needed tuning.It didn’t stop Ariella from playing for hours into the morning, nearly every morning for the past three days. Her fingers flexed over the keys after finishing another hour of practice. Turning over her hands, she took note of the callouses forming on the edge of her thumb from playing her guitar.

She needed to get out of the house. Mrs. Antoinette refused to let her help in the kitchen, and any time she tried to help the cleaning staff, they shooed her away, too. Other than lying around reading, she only had her music to keep her busy. Normally it would be a slice of heaven to have so much time to dedicate to it, but the black cloud hanging overhead cast a shadow over her.

Her aunt was due to contact her any time with the newest information for the delivery, and Ariella felt sick whenever she thought about it. Which was every time she stopped playing the piano or the guitar or stopped singing. When Bastian or Garrick was home, they tried to keep her mind off things with her aunt by putting her focus on them. But sex, as great as it always was, wouldn’t solve the growing list of problems.

Even if they were able to stop the delivery of girls and save them from what could only be hell, she would have to deal with her aunt. Getting in the way of her transaction was probably exactly what she wanted because then she could hand Henry over to the Tiryns. Or she could simply hold it over Ariella’s father’s head and make him turn everything over to Ursa.

Remembering this entire mess had started because she’d been a child ready to run away from home tightened her chest. The only positive angle to anything that’d happened was Garrick seemed to have worked things out with his brother.

Her phone vibrated on the piano top as she placed her fingers back on the keys. Her stomach tightened when she saw her aunt's name flash on the caller ID.

“Oh, good. I’m glad I caught you.” Ursa started before Ariella could speak. “I’m just running out, and I wanted to give you the new information for the delivery. Do you have a pen and paper?”

“One second.” Ariella got up from the piano bench and opened the lid, finding exactly what she needed there. “All right. Go ahead.” She rested against the edge of the piano with her pen ready.

“Ariella!” Garrick’s voice boomed from somewhere in the house. “Where is she!” His demanding voice nearly shook the floor.

“What is that?” Ursa asked, obviously being able to hear the man’s bellow.

“Nothing, Aunt Ursa. Go ahead, I’m ready.” She glared at the entranceway as Garrick stomped around the corner into the room. She jerked her thumb at the phone pressed to her ear. “I’m listening,” she prompted when Ursa remained quiet.

Garrick stopped in his tracks, silencing his irritation, but she could see it all over his face. It probably had something to do with the printed papers in his hand. He’d found her apartment searches.

“You’ll meet Ares Morgan again. He doesn’t usually do the deliveries, but I’ve asked him specifically to handle it since you’ve already met him,” Ursa said. “He’ll meet you at the Electra Lounge tonight at ten o’clock. He’ll be in the back room, just let the hostess know why you’re there, and she’ll bring you back to him. Now remember, you have to sign for the delivery. That’s the most important part.” She emphasized.

“Tonight? I thought it was tomorrow?”

“Ares isn’t available tomorrow. He’s doing this as a favor to me, Ariella. And I’m doing you a favor.”

“Yes. Of course.” Ariella scribbled down the notes.

“I mean it, Ariella.” Ursa’s voice hardened. “If you don’t sign for the delivery, I’m afraid our deal will be off. I’ll have to call your father right away.”

Ariella’s hand froze over the paper.

“You’d call my father?” She looked to Garrick. Why would she involve Henry now?

“I don’t want to, my dear. Obviously, I want you to have your dream life and this fresh start, but if you can’t keep your word to me, well, I’ll have to let Henry know what’s been happening.”

“What’s been happening?” Ariella’s blood ran cold.

“Those men you’ve been with. Bastian? Really. One of your father’s own men?” Ursa’s voice twisted. “And that other one, a Titon? Two men, Ariella. Do you have any idea what your father would say about that?”

“Aunt Ursa, I’ll take care of the delivery. Just like I said.” Ariella straightened.

“I’m sure you will, sweetheart. I’m sure you will. I have to go now. Good luck.”

The line went dead.

“Bitch.” Ariella slammed her phone down on the piano. Anger boiled up her spine. How could she ever have thought her aunt was anything but the evil witch her father had warned her about? She’d been so damn naive.

“Was that your aunt?” Garrick asked. The man moved like a damn ninja. She hadn’t heard him take a single step toward her.

“Yes.” She spun around with a heavy sigh. “She knows that I’m staying with you and that you and Bastian are…well, that we’ve been- together.” She fisted her hands. “How does she know that?”