Page 72 of Siren

“She was in the other room,” Garrick pointed an accusing finger at Ariella.

“I was taking a shower.” She argued. “What is your problem? You’re wound so fucking tight I think you’re going to break.”

Garrick’s eyes narrowed, and his hands curled at his sides.

“Great.” Bastian tossed his hair towel to the chair behind him.

“I’m not wound tight. I’m just—.” The side of his cheek clenched as he paused.

“Frustrated.” Ariella offered, sliding across the floor until she was right in front of him. The tension rolled off of him in thick waves. Gliding her hands up his arms, she rested them on his pecs. Hell, the man was nothing but stone.

“I am.” He nodded. “Not at you, though.” He shoved a hand through his hair.

“No.” She touched the side of his face. “At everything. Your family secrets finally coming out. Realizing you don’t need to hate your cousins or your brother. It’s a lot.”

“It’s more than that.” Garrick’s eyes leveled with hers, and inside she saw the rawness of his emotions. They were so real, so dark; she was almost afraid to touch him. Everything he’d been fighting back had risen to the surface.

“What is it then?” She asked.

“You’re in danger, Princess. If not from your aunt, then this other family, and if not them, maybe Ares. But I fucking hate that I can’t just go after him right now and end all of this, because getting rid of him only fixes one part of the problem.”

She felt his words seep into her. He was being honest and vulnerable. It put him on edge. Garrick was a man of action, and he was being made to wait.

“I’m safe. Here with you and Bastian. I’m safe.” As they left her, the words felt more right than anything she’d ever said. These men barged into her heart in such a short time, and now she could feel them deep in her soul.

Garrick’s jawline softened, but the fierceness in his eyes blazed.

Bastian tugged Ariella’s elbow, pulling her back to step in front of him.

“If I touch her, I might hurt her,” Garrick confessed in a low voice.

“So don’t touch her.” Bastian tilted his head. “Touch me.” He slid his hands up Garrick’s chest, cupped his face between his hands, and pulled him down for a kiss. Ariella stepped back further, biting down on her lip as the two strongest men she’d ever known shared a passion she’d never witnessed before.

When Bastian broke the kiss, he turned to Ariella and held out his hand. “Come here.” He pulled her to stand beside him.

Garrick stared at them, eyeing Bastian and then Ariella as though deciding which entree to devour first.

“You’re protecting her again.” Garrick reached behind his head and ripped off the t-shirt he’d changed into after his family had left.

“She needs it tonight.” Bastian nodded. “You’ll hurt her if you do what I know you want to do. She’s not ready for it.”

Garrick reached into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out a hair tie. Pulling his hair back with both hands, he wound the tie around his long hair.

“No. She’s not.” Garrick agreed. In one quick jerk, he yanked her towel from her body. “Get on your knees, Princess.” He dropped her towel on the floor. With a side glance at Bastian, she gracefully moved down to the floor, using the towel to cushion her knees.

Garrick eyed Bastian for a long moment with his hands hanging on his hips. His teeth bit down hard on his bottom lip.

“Fuck.” He ripped off Bastian’s towel and tossed it to the floor next to Ariella. “Get down there and make sure she gets me wet. It’s the only lubrication you’re getting tonight.”

Ariella flicked her gaze to Bastian, expecting him to look worried. A grin crossed his lips as he joined her on the floor.

As soon as Bastian was settled beside her, he pulled her to him, kissing the thoughts right out of her head. When he pulled back, he licked his lips.

“You’re going to suck his cock, Ariella. Get him as wet as you can,” Bastian instructed just as Garrick’s cock bobbed between them. He’d already shucked out of his pants and boxers while Bastian muddled her thoughts with his kiss.

Bastian fisted Garrick’s cock and brought it to her lips. “Open wide, Ariella, and as messy as you can.”

“Fuck.” Garrick groaned the second Ariella’s tongue touched the underside of his cock. Bastian’s hand moved to her hair, pushing her further down on Garrick’s cock until he felt the very back of her throat.