“My neck?” With him so close, his hand on her knees, she’d forgotten she even had a neck, much less that it had been sore.
“You were rubbing it when you came in.” The edges of his mouth lifted into a knowing smile.
“Oh, yeah. No, it’s better. Yeah. Thanks.” She nodded while the words all tumbled out. “I just needed to stretch out. I’m good now.”
His hands moved up her thighs. “Your legs? They’re good too?”
She swallowed as his muscular grip moved further up still.
“Yeah. All limber now.” Her face erupted in a blush. Limber? Seriously? Hoping to recapture some of her pride, she cleared her throat. “How about you?”
“Am I limber?” He asked with a tilt of his head.
“No. I mean, are you good? Not sore from your workout?” She blinked. What the hell kind of conversation was this?
“No. Not sore from my workout.” He ran his hands down her thighs to her knees, drawing even more sensations out of her as the warmth spread.
“Sore from watching you contort that body of yours over there. Do you know, you make the prettiest little sounds when you’re trying to get into position?” His hands met at her knees, and he slid them both in between them, gripping them hard. In a fluid motion, he yanked her thighs open and pulled her toward the edge of the workout bench.
“Did I interrupt you?” Her mind could no longer be counted on to come up with stimulating conversation. All she could focus on was his hands on her body, his eyes staring straight through her with arousal. Concentrating on those things and trying to have a conversation was too much.
“No.” He pinched the material of her leggings and snapped it against her leg. “Take these off.”
“Take them off?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Off, Princess.”
“Because I said so.” He lifted back up to his feet.
“But…” she glanced at the door. “What if someone comes in?”
“The only one who would come in is Bastian, and if he does, he’ll enjoy your pretty mouth again.”
This was ridiculous. She shouldn’t just get undressed because this mammoth of a man decreed she do so. No. She should tell him she wasn’t in the mood, and she should head upstairs. That’s what she should do, and when she stood up, she intended to do just that.
Except she tripped. Right over his foot, and he caught her before she fell flat onto her face. When she looked up at him, he wasn’t even trying to hide his amusement.
“Going somewhere?”
“No.” She breathed out her answer. Because now that his hands were on her again and his body so damn close to hers, all she wanted was to have more of him touching her. All of him. Every bit of him.
“Good.” He looked down at her clothes. “Do you want me to rip them off?”
She frowned. “Why do men rip off clothes? Can you really not figure out a nicer way to…wait…what are you doing…no wait!” She hadn’t even gotten the last word out before the fabric of her leggings ripped in half. He’d torn straight through the elastic around her waist and ripped clean down to the left leg.
“Can you manage the rest of the way, or should I keep going?” He offered.
She stared down at the tattered leggings.
“They were brand new!” She shoved out of the right leg, wiggling them off her ankles and kicking them aside.
“Good, then you weren’t attached.” He grabbed her shoulders and dragged her to him, slamming his mouth over hers. All her fight rushed right out of her the second his lips touched hers. He moved one hand up to her face, cupping her cheek and deepening the kiss, making her forget about the leggings.
“Bend over the bench for me.” He muttered against her lips. “Keep your ass high up for me.”