Page 2 of Siren

“Concert halls, maybe.” This topic needed to be dealt with gently, and she’d just steamrolled right into it.

“No.” He dropped his hand to his side. “You are my daughter, and my daughters do not stand on stage at a club, or a concert hall, or anywhere else for that matter. You will marry. You will be a good wife, a loving mother, and that’s final. I’m tired of this conversation with you, Ariella.”

Her throat clenched. “You can’t dictate my life,” she said softly, trying to bring down the temperature of his anger. “I’m old enough to make my own decisions.”

“You are old enough, yes.” He brought his voice down; his hands relaxed at his sides. “But you aremydaughter, and it’s my responsibility to be sure you are safe and taken care of.”

“And that I don’t embarrass you,” she added before she could stop herself.

“Yes. That too.” He raised an eyebrow. “I know you think I’m being unfair, but this is how it is in our family. My marriage to your mother was arranged, and we found love with each other. You will too.”

Ariella stared at her father. Her mother had loved her children. She loved the lavish lifestyle Henry kept her in, but she did not love him. Not like a woman should love her husband. Ariella wanted more. She deserved more.

“Robert is having a coming home party for Chad this weekend. You will meet with him then. A casual meeting, so it’s not so awkward.” A warm smile spread across his lips. “When I met your mother for the first time, our parents made it more like a job interview. It was stuffy and awkward.”

“Father, I don’t want to do this.” She willed him to understand, to consider her feelings on the matter. Didn’t her happiness mean something to him?

His smile faded. “I know. But you will.”

She pinched her lips together.

“Saturday is the party. I have a dinner meeting that I can’t get out of, so I will meet you there. I’ll have a car ready for you at eight o’clock. Do not be late, Ariella.” He pointed a long finger at her.

“And if we don’t get along? If he hates me?” She’d make him despise her if it meant she could get her father to forget this insanity.

“He won’t hate you.” He sighed. “How could he? You’re as beautiful as your mother and sharp as a tack. To not love you would be idiocy.”

He played this card so often while she grew up, she’d become immune to it.

“Saturday,” he said again. “And no more nonsense about singing in a club.” He stepped up to her and pushed his forced smile back on. “You understand, this is really for your best.”

She curled her fingers into her palms until her nails cut deep into her flesh.

“I know you want what’s best for me.” She could concede that much without being a liar. But she also knew he wanted what was best for him, maybe more so.

“Good.” His smile warmed, and he patted her cheek. “I’ll let you get back to your piano. Your mother would be so happy to see you playing it.”

Ariella only smiled in response.

The door clicked closed after her father left. Ariella let out a long breath. She went back to her desk and opened the top drawer. Pulling out the music sheets she’d stuffed inside, she looked at the contract beneath it. She’d been offered a time slot at the Seaside Club on Saturday night. It had been her intention to speak to him about it. But she didn’t have to, not once the conversation got started.

Taking a deep breath, she let the hot tear slip down her cheek untouched.



* * *

“How long willyou be in town, Ursa?” Henry’s voice carried through his closed office door.

Bastian glanced at Finn, who leaned against the door frame scrolling through his phone.

“He called for me.” Bastian pointed at the door. Finn looked up and shrugged.

“Ursa got in a few hours ago. He finally called her down to talk to her. He probably wants you to interrupt.” He looked back down at his phone.

“Did he tell you that, or are you guessing?” Bastian asked. Finn never quite understood the job of protecting Henry from intrusion. He was too easily distracted by his phone or a pretty skirt walking by.