Page 27 of Siren

“He doesn’t seem like a nice man.” She stated, rounding her shoulders.

“He’s not.” Bastian agreed. “But neither am I.” She couldn’t really argue with him on that point. It wasn’t like he’d ever shown her anything other than disapproval.

“Bastian.” She sighed. “Seriously, you don’t need to protect me or whatever you think you’re doing here. When my father gets home from his trip, I’ll speak to him. I’ll tell him that I’m staying here. I won’t mention you at all.”

“We’ll talk about it in the morning.”

“No. Bastian.” She fisted her hands. “I’m telling you; I am not going home. I have to do this one thing for Aunt Ursa, and then I’m going to live my life. The way I want to live it.” She frowned. “You saw what he did, Bastian. He destroyed all of my music, my instruments. Everything.” She swallowed, trying to keep the tears from building like they normally did when she remembered that night.

“We’ll talk about it later,” he said firmly. “Right now, I want you to turn around and pull down those jeans.”

She stepped back so fast; she nearly fell onto the bed. “What? Why?” They weren’t the most comfortable after what Bastian had done in the hotel room, but she wasn’t taking them off with him right there.

“Because. I want to see the marks on your ass.” He moved over to her, pinning her with his stare. “I want to make it feel better.”



* * *

Ariella’s throat clenched.So did her ass.

“Bastian.” She shook her head, sliding along the edge of the bed until she could get around him. “You’ve lost your mind.”

He caught up to her as she reached the door, pressing his palm against the door. When she turned around to face him, to tell him to move, his dark eyes pinned her in place. Bastian stepped closer to her until his body brushed against hers. Bending slightly, he dragged the tip of his nose along her cheek, brushing her hair from her ear.

“What’s the matter, Ariella?” His voice, low and grave, sent an electric sting through her body. Suddenly, she was very aware of him. His cologne, spicy and warm, enveloped her. The short stubble of his beard scratched the sensitive skin of her cheek as he nuzzled against her. He wasn’t just the annoying man who lectured her too much or cast disapproving glances her way. This man, this Bastian, was dangerous.

“Bastian.” She breathed his name but had no idea what she wanted to say next. She knew what she was supposed to do: get away from him. Far away from him. But she also just wanted to feel his heat for another moment. Just a second, and then she’d pull away.

He must have heard her thoughts. His free hand wrapped around her throat and pushed her back against the door, giving her no freedom to escape him.

“I’m not going to let you spank me again, Bastian,” she announced, dragging her eyes from the stubble of his chin to his dark eyes.

“If you need to have your ass busted again, I’m going to do it. You won’t let me or not let me do anything. But for tonight at least, I won’t do that again.” He gentled his tone. “Now. Get back over to the bed and pull down those jeans so I can see if you are bruised. And if you’re a good girl, I’ll make you feel better.”

“I’m not hurt.” She tried to assure him. He didn’t need to look at her ass, at the mess he surely made of it with that damn belt. The fire lingered in her skin, but worse was the ache between her legs. And if Bastian kept looking at her like that, she wouldn’t be able to hide it from him.Not that she’d hidden anything from him so far. The man had the inexcusable ability to see right through her no matter the situation.

He dropped his hand and grinned. “Then It should be a quick inspection.”

She touched her neck, where his hand had been, sure that the skin had to be as hot as the blood running through her veins.

“Go on, over the bed like a good girl.”

“My father won’t like this.”

“I’ll worry about that later. Right now, you’re going to do as I say, or you’ll find that ass of yours on fire again. Don’t make me tell you again.” He stepped out of her way and gave a pointed look at the bed.

With slow steps, she made her way to the bed.

“Why do you hate me so much?” She asked quietly as she folded herself over the edge of the mattress. She unbuttoned her jeans and shoved them, along with her still damp panties, down her to knees.

His steps were soft on the carpeting, but each one tensed her muscles. The bed dipped beside her, but she buried her face into her hands, vowing she would not look at him again.

“I understand why you think that, but I’ve never hated you, Ariella,” he said gently, pushing her bunched-up clothing down to her ankles and pulling the bundle off her left foot, which slipped off her shoe at the same time. As soon as the chilled air of the room brushed across her cheeks, she clenched.

Featherlike touches traced a line across her cheek.