Page 23 of Siren

He ran his thumb over her pinky, rubbing some of the sting away. Or maybe his gaze locked with hers made her forget how much it hurt.

“Keep your hands on the chair, or Garrick will hold you down. Do you understand?” He held tighter to her hand when she tried to tug it away.

She flicked her gaze to where Garrick sat, still on the edge of the bed with his arms folded over his chest, and his face stone hard. She swallowed.

“Yes, I understand,” she said.

He released her and moved back a pace to his previous position.

“And it’s supposed to hurt. It’s a punishment.” He placed one hand on the small of her back and pressed his thigh into her hip.

Before she could register something to say in return, he was back at it, bringing the belt down over and over again, peppering her entire ass with the strap of fire. She lost count around a dozen and was hopping from one foot to the next after that. Tears burned her eyes, and somewhere between him wrapping his arm around her waist to hold her steady against him and her fighting the urge to beg him to stop, they rolled at will down her cheeks.

“Oh god!” She cried out. “Please!” She finally yelled out. “Please, no more!” She wanted to swing back at him but being tied down and starting all over again would be worse.

“Are you going to tell me why you’re here? Why are you looking for Ares Morgan?” He asked. That hadn’t been a condition of the punishment!

“Nothing. I’m doing nothing wrong. I swear.” The words came out in a whine. She could take a little more, surely. She wouldn’t give up her dream so easily, not when she’d come all this way already. She had to try more.

“Hmmph.” He grunted and delivered another blow, right to her thighs harder than the rest. She howled and started to rise, but his elbow pushed into her back, and she went back down.

She gulped in air. Lost in the misery of the pain pulsating in her ass, it took her a minute to realize he’d stopped the spanking. He still held her against him but wasn’t spanking her anymore.

His hand rested against her cheeks, rubbing in a circle.

“You’re going to tell me, Ariella. Do yourself a favor and tell me now before the punishment gets worse.”

Worse? How could it get worse?

She lifted her head, drawing in a slow breath. A hand cupped her cheek, and when she opened her eyes, she found Garrick staring at her.

“I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen next. If you keep defying us and hiding the truth, I’ll punish you next. And I don’t stop spanking just because you’re crying. Do you understand?” He ran the back of his hand across her cheek, brushing away her tears. His voice was soft, but the threat was no less severe.

“Why are you in Kassel looking for Ares?” Garrick asked.

She wiped her face. “Can I stand up?”

“Are you going to tell us?” Bastian asked from behind her, his hand still rubbing circles around the hurt.

“Yes.” She nodded. “I’ll tell you.” If she had to take another spanking like that, she wasn’t sure she could handle it. The pain spread through her entire ass, but the intense ache between her legs was unbearable. And confusing. And she wanted all of it just to stop.

Bastian patted her ass. “Get up.”

She eased away from the chair and sank down to grab her panties and shorts, but Garrick brushed her hand away.

“Not yet, Princess,” he said.

“Fine.” She turned around so she could at least look at them and folded her hands in front of herself, doing her best to cover herself up from their eyes.

Garrick sat back on the bed, and Bastian stood beside him with his arms folded over his chest. That damn belt of his still dangled from his hand.

“I really did come here for the clubs, but that’s now why I’m looking for Ares.” She rolled her shoulders back, straightening her spine. Bastian wasn’t going to like this next part. None of the men liked Ursa. He’d warned her before not to trust her aunt, but he didn’t know her. And he wasn’t her family.

“I need to pick up a package from him for Aunt Ursa.” Her gaze landed on Bastian as he took in her words. His jaw tightened. “She was supposed to meet him but couldn’t get away from the launch of her new fragrance.”

“What are you picking up?” Garrick asked.

“I don’t know. She said she partners with him sometimes, so I assume it’s fragrance samples. I’m supposed to get the package and wait until she tells me what to do with it. She’ll probably come get it when she finishes the new launch.”