Page 61 of Savored Innocence

“Dad’s right. That would be beyond stupid,” Arman adds.

“Do they have any other storage facilities? He said they didn’t need help with the docks or long-term storage, he only needed our warehouses for short-term stuff. That things would go in and out pretty fast.”

“I’ll find out where it is.” Maxim gets back on the phone and walks away. Anya, Charlotte, and Nikolai join us in the foyer.

“What’s happening? Did you find out something?” Nikolai asks, searching my face.

“Nothing concrete yet.” I take a deep breath. “I shouldn’t have let her slip away, I should have pushed them away and gone after her.”

“We will find her,” Hanna says with a dark tint to her words.

“Come sit down. You look pale.” Gregor urges his wife toward the living room.

“Of course I’m pale. My best friend is missing!” She pushes his arm off her, only to stop and turn into his chest. He wraps his arm around her and hugs her tight.

“She’s going to be all right,” Nikolai says when he catches me staring at the scene.

“Well, since no one is going to the living room, I’ll just make my announcement now.” Igor claps his hands together. “I’m coming home.”

“Now? You think now is the time to talk about you?” Arman shoots an angry glare at him.

Igor frowns. “I know—”

“I have it.” Maxim rushes back in. “There’s another warehouse, it’s abandoned for the most part, but it’s theirs.”

“Let’s go.” I hurry for the door.

“Wait. There’s more.” Maxim grabs my arm. “The Blood Kings were just at our warehouse. They went to the wrong address. Ivan overheard the conversation between them and one of the Kozlov guys.”

“Why the fuck would…” I don’t bother finishing my thought because I know exactly why a Chicago gang is in Boston talking with Yefim. “Find Arlo.” I point to Maxim. “And if he—”

“I’ll take care of it.” Maxim gives a hard nod.

“Wait, I want to go too.” Hanna pushes out of Gregor’s arms.

“No fucking way. You stay here.” Gregor grabs her before she can get two steps away. “I’ll stay with the girls. You go,” he says.

Nikolai and Arman are already at the door waiting for me. Our father stands watching us, his face firm and proud.

“Go. Get your woman,” he says. “Bring her home.”

“This is going to get ugly,” I warn him.

“That’s what I was going to tell you. We’ll talk later. Just know whatever you have to do will have no repercussions. Now go.” He waves us off.

There’s a light snow falling as we all run to the cars in the driveway. My immediate thought is Billie didn’t take her coat when she left the banquet hall that night. She’s going to be cold.

If she’s hurt, I’ll end them all. There won’t be a single person alive when I’m done.

“I’ll drive.” Arman hits my shoulder when I reach for the driver’s door. “We want to get there, but we want to get there in one piece. You sit in the back.” Nikolai has already jumped in the passenger seat.



