Page 59 of Savored Innocence

“Talking to yourself already?” a saccharine voice asks. A click of a heel, then another click. “She’s filthy already. What did you do, drag her through the mud on the way in?” Her question is asked in English, but the Russian accent gives her away.

I blink several times and push myself up to my feet, pressing myself against the wall. The room is much smaller than I thought now that there are two of us standing in here. Two men with guns stand at the door. In case I run, I suppose.

“Anastasia.” I spit out her name.

She tilts her head slightly. A bright smile shines on her face. The red dress from the party is gone. She’s wearing a black-and-white pantsuit now, her hair perfectly wound into a bun on the top of her head. Even as the villain she’s gorgeous.

“Are you thirsty?” she asks.

I nod. “Yes.”

“Hmm.” A simple snap, and one of the men comes forward with two metal buckets. One is empty and he drops it at my feet. Water slushes out of the other one when he puts it down.

“One for drinking.” She points to the one filled with water. “One for… well, you know.” Her white teeth practically sparkle when her lips spread even more.

“Why?” I clear my throat when the word gets caught. “Why are you doing this? I know we lied, but… I didn’t know about you or your family. It was an accident when it happened.” I press my hands harder against the chilled wall. Fear has heated the space between us.

She raises a perfectly manicured brow. “Roman’s father needs my family, and my father needs Roman. He’ll come to his senses, now that you’re out of the picture.”

“He doesn’t want to marry you.” I know it’s true. I saw the way he looked at her at the party. There was nothing in his gaze. Not like when he looks at me.

She laughs. I’ve never heard a sound that sent a shiver through my body like this laugh of hers.

“Do you think Iwantto marry him?” She drops her chin to level me with a glare. “It doesn’t matter what we want. It’s what’s good for our families, and a marriage will bring our families together. We’ll be stronger together.”

“He won’t marry you. Even if I’m gone.” I raise my chin with a confidence that is mostly true. A part of me still worries he’ll never forgive me for messing this all up.

“Well, I guess we’ll see who’s right.” She looks me over like she’s taking an inventory of my flaws. “I’m not worried, though.”

I fold my arms over my chest, trying to look bored. The blanket slips from my shoulders to the floor. “It’s a little pathetic. What power do you get from it? Nothing. You’re just an item for your father to sell. And Roman isn’t buying.”

There’s a flash of anger in her eyes before she covers it up.

“You don’t know our world. If you did, you’d understand. My husband’s power is mine as well, and my father’s strength will roll down to me once I’m married. I have more power than a woman like you could ever have.”

She’s wrong. I have never felt more powerful than when Roman held me in his arms. I could take the entire world on if I needed to. And from the looks of my current situation, I’m going to have to.

“Whatever.” I look away. The sedative they gave me still has my brain foggy and my body tired. “Keep believing that. But love is more powerful than anything you describe.”

She laughs, that same shiver-inducing laugh. “You’re a child.”

“I’m older than you.”

“Naive then.” She shrugs. “You can’t think he loved you. He was interested in you, he was happy to use you, but he would have thrown you to the side once we left.”

“When is that? Your departure?” I tilt my head. I have no idea where any of this bravado is coming from, because my insides are rattling.

“Mine? Not for a while, now that I have a wedding to plan. But your departure?” That twinkle is back in her eye. “You’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

“Leaving? Where am I going?” I doubt it’s a ticket to Disneyworld.

“I’m not sure exactly. The buyers haven’t said, only that they wanted you. Paid top dollar too.”


“Yes. Blood Kings made an offer.” She shrugs again. “They’ll be here tomorrow.” She looks down at the buckets at my feet, toeing the water bucket. “Have a good night, Willie.” With a gentle push of her toe, she tips the bucket over.

“Oops.” Shetsks while I hurry to pick up the bucket before all the water pours out. I manage to save a quarter of the water; the rest has covered my feet, soaked into my dress, and drenched the only blanket I had.