Page 5 of Savored Innocence

She clears her throat and tries to shake off her obvious arousal.

“Whatever.” She pushes up to her full height. “I assume you’ve given all the important information to Jamison. I’ll get it from him.”

“I had everything you need to start with emailed to you.” I stand back up and slip my hands back into my pockets. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning for a tour of the buildings.”

“You don’t need to do that. I’ll meet you, or whoever you send, at the first location.” She folds her arms over her chest, but I don’t think it’s because she’s trying to show force. No, I think she’s trying to hide how hard her nipples are.

“I’ll pick you up, eight o’clock,” I say. “Get a good night’s sleep,malyshka, I don’t want you crabby when I come get you.”

Her shoulders fall.

“Roman. Seriously, why are you messing with me like this?” She follows me to the door.

I grab the handle before she can reach for it. “I’m not messing with you, Billie. I’ve denied myself for too long. I’m not going to do it anymore. And I don’t think you want me to deny you either. I think you want everything that I do, you just need a little more time.” I open the door. “But I’ll warn you, once I’ve decided something, I’m not a patient man willing to wait for it to happen.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” If she would look me in the eye for longer than a few seconds at a time, I might believe her. As it is, she keeps flicking her attention over my shoulder.

I lean down until my mouth is only an inch from her ear.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, baby girl.” Reminding myself I wasn’t going to deny myself anything when it comes to her, I press my lips to her cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

I’m two offices away when her door slams shut.

My little girl has a temper.


“Areyou sure you want to go to this club?” I glance up at the neon light flashingPropagandathen at the long line of people standing along the building in the winter cold waiting to get inside.

“I love this place!” Giselle tugs on my hand as soon as she climbs out of the cab. “And I got us on the list. We don’t even have to wait.”

I let her lead me to the bouncer, who is covered from head to toe in tattoos. On his neck is what looks like a tally symbol. Is he keeping track of how many people he’s killed with his huge claw hands?

“There we are—Giselle and Billie.” She smiles up at the insanely large man when she points to our names on the iPad he’s holding.

He raises his dark eyes to us. “ID?”

I dig out my license and show it to him. Once he’s satisfied, he nods at the door. “Have fun, ladies.”

“We will!” Giselle grabs my arm and pulls me through the door before I can think of a good excuse to ditch this idea. Propaganda is owned by the Romanov family. I’m not sure if Roman works with the clubs or not, but I don’t want to find out, either.

“What’s wrong?” Giselle shouts as we maneuver through the edge of the crowd. I search the dance floor, then look toward the main bar. No sign of Roman.

“Nothing.” I shake my head and we press on toward the main bar. Strobe lights dance around the floor in time with the beat of the music. I keep my hand on the clutch I have strapped over my chest.

“What do you want? I’ll get the first round.” Giselle yells toward my ear as we push closer to the bartender.

“Amaretto and Coke,” I shout back at her. She makes a face. “It’s good. Trust me.” I wave my hand at her. She’s a straight liquor drinker. Two fingers of whiskey for sipping. I need something that masks the liquor taste.

“Okay.” She leaves me on the outside of the crowd and wiggles her way to the bar. I keep my eye on her while she’s ordering at the same time pulling the straps of my dress up toward my neck. I shouldn’t have listened to her about this outfit. I could not feel more out of my element in this getup. The sleeves barely cover my shoulders, and the neckline dips in a V-shape so deep I have to keep tugging on it to be sure my breasts stay inside. At least there’s a little flare in the skirt, so I’m not showing my ass to the whole club. This dress was made for a woman a hell of a lot more womanlike than I am. This entire place is outside my comfort zone, but I had agreed Giselle could pick the place.

Last month, I dragged her to the theater forInto the Woodsand then dinner. She had a good time, but this is more her scene.

In one blink, I lose her, so I take a step to the side and reach up on my toes searching for her. Another step, and I still can’t see her. Fuck. The music will drown me out if I even try to yell for her; I’ll just have to wait for her to find me again.

“Oh, shit.” A deep voice hits me only a second before a large, hard body bumps me forward a step. I bump into the guy in front of me, and he spins around with a heated glare.

“I’m sorry,” I say as I right myself and turn to see who nudged me.