Page 16 of Savored Innocence

She swallows and nods. “I’ll be fine.”

I brush the tip of my finger down the length of her nose. “All right,malyshka.” I press my mouth against hers. A soft kiss, a good night kiss, but the moment her lips touch mine, it’s like a volcano erupting in my chest.

I slide my hand behind her neck and deepen the kiss. She leans into it, bringing her hand to my face and lightly touching my cheek. When I pull back, breaking the kiss, she sighs.

“Sleep.” I stand to my full height.

“Yes, sir.” She snuggles into the bedding but stops abruptly, as though she’s just realized what she said.

I don’t comment on it, though. It’s not the word I want. But it will do for now.

As I leave the room, I flip the lights off and quietly shut the door.

I’m barely on the stairs when my phone rings in my pocket.

My father.

Seven in the morning in Moscow. Yefim must have called him first thing. Better to get this conversation over with.

“Utrenniy, Papa.”


The bed iscold and wet. Why is it wet? I roll over to find the bedroom window is wide open, raindrops flying inside. The door bangs open, hitting my dresser.

No matter how hard I pull on the window, I can’t get it to close. It won’t budge. I scream for help, but my voice dies in the night air. Lightning strikes, illuminating my bedroom for a split second. Just long enough for me to see the man standing in the corner of the room.

I turn, ready to scream again, just as his hand reaches across the room to grab me.

“No!”I scream into the emptiness of the bedroom. A bead of sweat rolls down my temple, my heart beats against my ribs, and I’m having a hard time finding my breath.

A bolt of lightning lights up the sky outside the window, illuminating the bedroom. I remember where I am in that instant. Roman’s bed. I’m in Roman’s bed. I’m safe. But he’s not here.

Thunder shakes the room. The windows rattle from the force of it.

I cry out and throw back the covers, running from the room. Roman steps off the stairs into the hallway. His eyes widen when he sees me running at him.

“Billie? What’s wrong?” He spreads his arms open for me.

“Daddy!” I run straight into him, grasping at his shirt and pressing my face into his chest.

“What is it? Is it the storm?” He picks me up into his arms, and I wrap my legs around his waist.

“I don’t like the thunder.” I bury my face into his neck.

“It’s just noise.” He rubs my back as he walks us back to his room.

“You weren’t there.” I cling to him even tighter.

“I’m here now.” He kicks the door shut once we’re inside. The loud thud of it makes me jump. “Shhh, I’m here.” He brings me to the large rocking chair in the corner and sits in it, bringing me to his lap.

Another burst of thunder rattles the windows, and I tense.

“It’s all right.” He kisses my forehead and gently rocks the chair. “It will pass soon.”

I nod beneath his chin, but clench my eyes closed. Rain pelts the windows, and another streak of lightning illuminates the room, but he holds me tight against his chest and begins to hum.

It takes only moments for me fall into the sound of his humming and mold myself into his chest. The rain continues to downpour, but minutes have gone by without another clap of thunder.