Page 4 of Savored Innocence

She stares at me for a long moment, worrying her bottom lip between two fingers.

“I don’t care. You need to let him put Geoffrey on your account. You’ll like him. He’s really good at his job, he’s been at it a long time, and he can handle multiple large accounts like this without a problem.”

“I don’t want Geoffrey. I want you.” I remain steadfast. There will be no budging me. I’m actually a little surprised she thinks she can.

“No, you don’t. You’re just being nice.”

“Nice?” The word tastes bitter. “You think I’m nice?”

She screws her lips to the side. “No. I mean, no, you’re not a nice guy to other people, but to your family, you’re loyal. And I’m not family, but Hanna is, and she told you I work here, so of course you’re doing this because of that.”

“No, I’m not.” I pause a beat. “Hanna has nothing to do with this, or anyone else. It’s you. I want you. Your boss has given his blessing and I won’t work with anyone else. So, if you don’t take my business, your boss loses a big account. I don’t think he’d like that.”

A drawn-out silence fills the space between us.

“Fine,” she huffs. “I’ll take the account because Jamison won’t let me off of it if you’ve muscled your way in here. Which I assume you did because that’s what you do.”

She’s not wrong.

“I don’t like your tone.” I take a step toward her.

“You don’t like my tone?” She shakes her head. “Let’s get this worked out right now, Roman. I will manage your buildings as best I can, and I will deal with you in a professional manner. But that’s it.”

“That’s it?” I tilt my head.

“Yes. That’s it.” She’s edible when she thrusts her chin out like this, trying to keep control of things that are far out of her reach.

“So, if I asked you to dinner tonight?” I feel every bit the cat inching my claws toward the mouse. She’s much stronger than she was the first time I met her; I bet her own claws are sharp.

“I have plans.” She lifts her chin a fraction higher.

The little liar.

“Do you?” I fold my arms. “What are they?”

“I’m… I don’t discuss personal things with clients.” She stalks around me, making her way back to her chair. Leaning forward, she presses the tips of her fingers into her desk. If she wasn’t wearing such a ridiculous blouse, I would be able to see the gentle swell of her breasts. But she’s buttoned the light blue shirt all the way up to her damn neck.

“I’m not really your client, though, am I?” I lean over her desk, lining up our stares. “I’m more like your boss now, aren’t I? You work for me now, Billie.”

Her breath washes over my cheeks when she huffs. “I have other clients, Roman, not just you.”

“Jamison forgot to mention. Your only accounts are mine from here on out.” I stare into her eyes, watching the storm swirl in her expression. Her lips pinch together so tight, they go white.

“You had me pulled off my other accounts just so you could… of all the controlling, asshole things to do—”

“Watch your tone and your language.” I touch the tip of my forefinger to the tip of her nose. “Understand me?”

As my words seep in, her pupils enlarge, her lips part. Even through the blouse, her nipples tighten.

And there she is.

My little girl.

No matter how angry she may be trying to be with me, underneath it, I can see her secret. She’s buried it pretty deep, but I see through her, have always seen it. The timing was just always wrong.

But not now.

The timing is all right.