Page 18 of Savored Innocence

The blankets are pulled back on his side and the bed dips a moment later. I curl my toes and keep my gaze settled on the ceiling. It’s just sleeping. We’re just sleeping. No matter how impossible it seems, we will only sleep.

He settles in beside me and instantly the warmth of his body spreads over mine.

I should have insisted on sleeping in one of the other rooms.

“Billie?” He whispers my name, as though he thinks I’m asleep. The man knows everything I think before I even do, but he’s playing along like I’m sleeping. Maybe he’s giving me an out.

“Yeah?” I’m not smart enough to take it, I guess.

“Is your ass still sore?”

Thank goodness it’s dark in here because my cheeks catch fire at his question. It took a lot for me to push that from my mind earlier when I went to sleep, and here he is bringing the memory front and center.

“No. I’m fine.” It’s a tiny lie. Technically, I am fine and it’s not really sore. Barely sore. Just a little tender if I press on certain spots.

“Hmm, maybe I was too soft with you.” The bed shifts as he rolls to his side. His hand, his enormous, warm hand, settles on my stomach. “I won’t be next time.”

“Maybe there won’t be a next time,” I whisper, trying to put more oomph into my words.

He laughs. “Oh, there will be. But I hope, for your sake, it’s not soon.”

I huff. “I’m going to sleep now.” I don’t want to talk about him punishing me, or the possibility of him doing it again.

“Are you?” He scoots closer to me. His breath brushes across my cheek.

“I am.” I’m a horrible liar, I don’t even believe me.

“Then I should kiss you goodnight.” He moves his hand to my face, and turns me to face him, bringing his mouth down on mine.

It’s January, for hell’s sake; I shouldn’t be melting so damn easily.

The tip of his tongue touches mine and he deepens the kiss, taking full possession of the moment. I go soft beneath him as he moves on top of me.

“I’m not sure we should…” My pathetic words fall away as his knee wiggles between my legs, and I slide them open for him with no resistance.

“I’m the daddy here,malyshka, and I assure you we should.” He kisses my cheek. His hand dips between us and slides down my body, trailing a fire along my skin behind it until he reaches my sex. “Fuck, baby, you’re soaked.” His finger glides so easily through my folds.

He brings his dark eyes level with mine. “You’re not a virgin, are you?”

I laugh. “No.”

Even in the dimness of the room, I can see the arches of his eyebrows. “Do I want to know how many?”

“Don’t be a prude.” I try to sound chastising.

“You’re right. I don’t want to know.” His hand moves from my sex, and a moment later the thick, round head of his cock is pressed against my entrance. “Birth control?”

“Implant.” I nod. “It’s been a while since… I mean…” I sigh. “I’m clean is what I’m trying to say.”

His jaw tics then he kisses me again. “Me too,” he mutters against my mouth, and I think it’s the most in-depth conversation he’s had on the subject with a woman. I wonder if he’s ever even asked before.

One shift of his hips and he’s fully imbedded inside of me. I cry out from the immediate burn of the stretch.

“Fuck!” I tense beneath him, fisting my hands at my sides.

“Shhh, give it a second, baby.” His jaw clenches again, and I think he’s trying to keep his composure. “No, don’t wiggle like that… fuck, Billie, hold the fuck still.” He grabs my hip and pins me down to the mattress.

I bend my knees and bring my feet closer to my ass, spreading my legs a bit more. His eyes roll.