Page 89 of Ruthless Rage

“Fuckkk,” Ryker groans in my ear before he sinks his teeth into my neck, and I tense around them again.

Exhaustion clings to me, my body going limp between them as I manage to wrap my arms loosely around Emmett’s shoulders. Perspiration drenches me, my muscles burning from the most intense workout of my life.

Is this what heaven feels like? I’ve never felt more content in my life.

Lost in euphoria, I’m semi-aware that I’m handed off to someone else, the murmuring happening around me not actually reaching my ears as I feel something draped over my shoulders.

A light breeze blows over my body, making me shiver, when I hear Gray’s voice in my ear. “It’s okay, sweet cheeks, I’ve got you.”

I should protest, declare that he put me down, but it’s inevitable. There’s nothing I can do to stop him as I’m lulled to sleep with each step he takes. Moving closer and closer to my impending doom without an ounce of fight in me.



My brain isfuzzy as I wake from the most blissful slumber of my life. My body aches in the most perfect way as I stretch out my arms and legs, and the reason why comes quickly crashing down around me.

Blinking my eyes open, my heart races faster in my chest as I try to place where I actually am. Disorientated, it takes me a moment to realize I’m in Gray’s room. Alone.

I roll to my back as I catch my breath, feeling the soft sheets gloss over my bare skin. The clock on his nightstand shows that it’s a little after six in the evening. I’m not sure how long I slept for, but it was clearly needed.

My gut clenches, far too aware that I should be long gone by now, and not lying here after having been distracted by Ryker, Axel, Gray, and Emmett, but I couldn’t help myself. I was swept away in the moment, but now I have to focus on rectifying the shift in my plan and figure out how to get the fuck out of here for real this time.

Wrenching the sheets off me, I stand and instantly begin searching for some of Gray’s clothes to wear. I manage to find a pair of black boxers and a navy t-shirt. I have to roll the waistband on the boxers a few times, but they hold in place, and the t-shirt falls to my thighs, so I’m covered enough to at least look a little presentable in public.

Everything else of mine is either in the garage or the bag I hid in the bushes near it. Shoes included. I just need to get to my bag and then I can figure everything else out.

Pulling my hair tie out, I run my fingers through the mess before re-securing it in a bun on top of my head. Double-checking around the room to make sure my things haven’t magically appeared around me, I head for the door.

I place a hand on my chest as I will my breathing to calm down, feeling frantic with every breath I take, before swinging the door open.

The creak of the door gains the attention of the person standing across the hall in my doorway, a surprised look on their face as they glance back at me, before they grin.

“Girl, when Gray said that you were in bed sleeping, I didn’t think he actually meant inhisbed,” Emily says with a smirk, wagging her eyebrows as she closes my bedroom door.

Panic starts to get the better of me as I worry she’ll notice none of my belongings are in there, but she bounces over to me none the wiser.

“It also explains the smug-ass look on his face,” she adds, and I realize I haven’t said a word to her.

“I’m sure that’s not quite the reason why,” I mutter, forcing an eye roll, and she chuckles in response.

“Wait until you see it for yourself.” Before I can protest, she links her arm through mine and pulls me along to the living room. “We can relax in here for a bit where it’s quiet, then we’ll likely be called outside.”


“Maggie has the grill going again and all the old ladies and their families are here. She’s throwing some kind of memorial celebration for my dad and Becker.”

Fuck, in my own haze of panic, I forgot about that. “I’m so sorry for your loss, Emily,” I murmur, squeezing her arm in comfort, but she shakes her head.

“Don’t be. I was surprised at first, but I know in my heart that I lost the father I loved the day my mother was taken from us. He never recovered from that. He was harming himself, always lost in a bottle, and a shell of the big proud man I once looked up to. At least now they’ll be together.”

My eyes widen at her words and the impact they have on my heart. I can’t imagine a love that strong, a love that sweeps you off your feet and causes you so much pain all at once. To not be the man your children needed you to be. I’m just thankful she seems to be at peace with it.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to offer a shoulder to cry on if she ever needs one, but I quickly slam my mouth shut, knowing full well that it would be a lie if I’m no longer here.

We step into the living room without another word and I find Gray sitting in his usual spot on the sofa. Emily was right; there’s a huge fucking grin on his face and a twinkle in his eyes like I’ve never seen before. Fuck.

“There’s my sweet cheeks, get your ass over here.”