Page 91 of Ruthless Rage

“The Brutes, it’s the fucking Brutes!”

Emily gasps again, her hand rising to her chest as her eyes grow wide. “There are women and children out there.”


This shouldn’t be my fucking battle, this isn’t a war I want to place myself in again. This could be the exact distraction I need, but the fear in Emily’s eyes and the knowledge that there are defenseless women and children out there has me pushing that all to the side as I glance straight at Shift.

“Hand me a weapon.”

“Sweet cheeks—”

“I said, hand me a weapon.”

Gray frowns at me, but I look directly at Shift. He cracks his jaw from side to side, uncertainty seeping from him, and I scoff.

“Do you want those women and children to fucking die?”

He shakes his head instantly, reaching for the gun at his waist, and I blindly wave a hand at Gray too. “You as well, give me your gun. Get whatever you need from wherever you keep your arsenal, but these two are mine. Mags too.”


“Just do it,” I hiss, knowing we don’t have much time, and to my surprise, Gray hands me his gun with an extra round of bullets without another word. I give the gun a quick once-over, making sure the safety is now off, before I hold out my hand toward Shift.

Gunshots sound in the distance once more, and that seems to edge him along a little more, but he’s still not putting the damn thing in my hand.

“Kronkz, give me the fucking gun. Now.”



My back is plasteredto the floor, my hands scrubbing at the slight mark on my otherwise polished bike. I can’t stop detailing the bike in my head, considering alterations and upgrades I could do. It’s refreshing.

I haven’t felt like this in forever. I know the darkness and shadows are still lurking over me, but at this moment, they cease to exist.

Ryker is toying with his motorcycle beside me, each of us basking in the silence as my eyes cast to the new bike now being stored in the garage. Hers. It’s here because I brought it here, so I shouldn’t feel uncertain about it. It was my doing, but it’s a change, and I’m the worst at adapting.

“So…” Ryker starts. I tilt my head to look at him. He’s standing with his hands on his hips, his feet shoulder-width apart.


“Are we going to talk about earlier?”

Fuck. I should have known this was coming. I’ve been waiting for it, but the more time that passed, the less likely it seemed. More fool me for being wrong. He’s going to want to understand every thought, every inch of my actions, and every piece of my mind afterward. It’s not a grilling, he’s a concerned friend and I understand that, but we’re not a bunch of pussies who discuss this shit, or at least I’m not.

“What is it I’m supposed to say?” I stop what I’m doing, tucking the rag into my pocket as I stand, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it instantly.

He gives me a glare, the one he gives me every time I light up near the bikes, but I ignore him, just like I do every other time. With a sigh, he folds his arms over his chest and gets back to the point. “I don’t know, man. But it felt like a huge moment.”

I shake my head at him as I take another pull of my smoke. “Well, it wasn’t.”

“Are you sure about that? You have never, in all of the time we have been friends, allowed a woman in the same room as you while your dick was out if her hands weren’t tied and her ability to touch you was zero.”

“I knew you and Emmett had her occupied.”

“We did, but you’ve also never willingly stayed in a room if you’ve seen one of us fucking someone either.” He raises a brow, like he’s got me there.

“I don’t know what you want me to say, Ryker. Gray sucks good dick and I was horny.”