Page 82 of Ruthless Rage

“You don’t know what love is,” Emmett states with a scoff, but that doesn’t seem to deter Gray one bit.

“I know that, dickhead. That’s why I said ‘Ithink’.” He holds his hand up to start listing off what’s in his mind. “She’s all I can think about. I want to smell her, feel her soft skin under my hands all of the fucking time, and not even just in thefuckingkind of way. Like I want to hear her laugh, make her smile, lose badly to her onmyvideo game, and finally fucking see her on my bike draped in my cut.” He releases a breath like he’s been holding those words in so tightly that it’s a relief to get them off his chest.

Silence washes over us for a second before it’s Emmett who clears his throat.

“Well,Ilike her too.”

Gray rolls his eyes dramatically. “I gathered that when you fucking tattooed her arm, asshole.” I blink at the knowledge, trying to recall if I saw it this morning. I remember seeing a glimpse of black ink with a flurry of oranges and reds, but I didn’t get a good look at it with her consuming my dick and my mind. “Just like Ryker over here likes her too since they had some fun in the bathroom this morning.”

“He did?”

“He did. Saw the aftermath on our girl as she stepped out butt naked with a grin on her puffed up lips.”

“Fuck. Ryker doesn’t ever go back for seconds.”

“I’m sitting right here, motherfuckers,” I grumble, swiping a hand down my face, but I can’t deny any of it.

“So what does this mean?” I glance at Emmett, completely disorientated that we’re having this conversation right now, but that doesn’t seem to bother Gray.

“It means I need you to be honest with me about your feelings toward her. I want her, however that looks, so if that means sharing her with you two knuckleheads, then I have to wrap my head around that. Otherwise, I’m close to taking her off the table.” His nod is firm as he holds my gaze.

“Off the table?”

I shake my head at Emmett’s confusion, understanding what he’s saying completely. “He means making an old lady out of her.”

“No fucking way, man. She’s ours.”

“Ours.” I test the word on my tongue, completely fucking blown away that I’m considering this right now.

“Can anyone actually handle the three of us?” Gray says with a smirk.


“Four?” Emmett’s brows knit at my correction, so I nod toward Axel.

“That’s never going to happen.”

I shrug, knowing full well I would have said the same thing a few days ago, but a lot has happened in a short span of time. “I don’t know, the bike thing shocked me.”

“So do his fucking overdoses, like he’s not a danger to himself right now, but we’re still taken by surprise,” Gray grunts, pain and loss in his eyes as he looks at our brother. We know he’s struggling, we just don’t know how to help him, but Scarlett does.

“You can’t make her an old lady and still give him what he needs from time to time too. You’ve got to be honest with her. We all do,” Emmett explains, pulling at his beard.

“If Axel was sitting here right now, he would be saying the same for her,” I add, knowing he doesn’t trust her like we do.

“True,” Emmett agrees.

“She’s off limits to the rest of the brothers. No way in fucking hell is she ever going to be a Ruthless Bitch,” Gray announces like this is all set in stone.

“Does she get a choice?”

“Of course she does… as long as she agrees.” He rolls his eyes at me again, like he’s got all of this shit figured out already and he’s just trying to get us up to speed.

Movement out of the corner of my eye halts my thoughts and pulls my attention. Someone’s rolling up.

One bike, one leather cut, but I can’t quite see it from this angle.

A gun pulls from his hip, pointing and aiming, as he continues to drive by without slowing to a stop. Before anyone can move, three shots are fired. Three men drop to the ground.