Page 68 of Ruthless Rage

My head thumpsagainst the headrest as I slump in my seat. Inhaling, I smell the familiar scent of tobacco and coffee. This isn’t my first time in the back of a cop car and I’m sure it won’t be the last, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s inconvenient as hell.

The door slams shut beside me, locking me in as I spy Euro being carted away in the other marked car parked next to me. These fuckers didn’t read me my rights, didn’t confirm why the fuck they’re lifting me from the compound, or offer any other type of explanation.

Something isn’t right, I can sense it. No matter how many times they’ve shown up at the compound unannounced, they’ve always grinned as they read out the charges with pride. That didn’t happen this time, but it was pointless putting up a fight in there. Not in front of Emily.

The sheriff and another cop climb in up front, and we’re moving in the next moment. Lights and sirens blare as we exit the compound and take off into the night through Jasperville.

My hands flex, feeling the restraint of the handcuffs, while my leg burns where the wound is from being pulled from my seat and dragged away. Something tells me this is going to be a long-ass night. At least I won’t be worrying about Emily’s safety though. Not with Maggie, Duffer, and Scarlett there, they’ll make sure she’s okay. My father, however, will likely drown his sorrows in another bottle of bourbon rather than worry about someone else.

Sighing, my head hangs forward, my chin pressing to my chest.

“It feels like it’s been a hot minute since we last saw you, Emmy.” I tilt my eyes to the passenger seat without lifting my head, and I recognize him instantly. If I didn’t know his face, the use of the nickname would have done it anyway.

Slowly lifting my head, I keep my eyes steady and my jaw relaxed. “Porter, it’s been a while.”

I went to school with this fucker. Last I knew, he went into the military, but it seems he’s back in town now in a more permanent position. I didn’t like the asshole then, so I certainly dislike him more now that he’s in uniform.

“It’s Deputy Hallman to you,” he quips back, making me smirk at his smugness as I shrug, not correcting myself. “Did you really think you could outrun the law like you have been doing?” he pushes, and I turn my attention to the window, watching the world drift by.

“Ah, don’t want to talk about the bigger stuff, do we?” He chuckles as the sheriff grunts.

“Emmett was always the hound dog with nothing to say. Luckily for him, the boys in lock up tonight like ’em quiet.” I try not to roll my eyes at him. It’s like he lives to piss me off, attempting to get under my skin.

“I like watching them break when it takes a little more of a mental attack to bring them down.” My eyes burn with the need to glare at Porter, his tone darkening as he takes on a more sadistic twist, but I refuse to give him the reaction he wants. We’re not too far from the station, which means I don’t have to put up with them for much longer. “Club compounds are grim to look at, Sheriff, you should have prepared me for the dive I was walking into,” Porter adds.

I run my tongue along my teeth, taking a calming breath as the town lights fly by.

“If I had told you how bad it was, you wouldn’t have aided us and we needed all hands on deck in case anyone tried to resist arrest,” he replies, before coughing. It’s the groggy sound that you get from smoking too much, the type that shreds at your lungs and throat as you fail to actually lift anything off your chest.

“I’ll tell you what did catch my eye though,” Porter pushes, his voice raising as I feel his eyes burn into the side of my head. “A pretty little blonde. That wasn't little Emily there, was it? All grown and full of tits. Has she finally succumbed to the dark side and labeled herself a whore like your mother?”

“Shut. Your. Damn. Mouth,” I spit, practically frothing at the mouth as I stare him down. I realize my mistake the moment he grins at me.

“There he is. There’s the bad boy we wanted. I should make a note that it’s family that gets under your skin. Or was it the reference to your whorish mother that did it?”

He must have called my mother a whore a thousand times in school and I never let it bother me. It’s the mention of my sister that sends me over the edge. I knew I shouldn’t have relented on her being allowed in the bar area.

“Maybe I should take little Emily for a spin myself, fuck her like I did your deadbeat mother. See if she begs for my dick just like she did.”

My foot lifts before I can stop myself, hitting the back of his seat with force, but it does nothing to calm the burning anger inside of me. “Why don’t you say that shit to me when I’m not in handcuffs, Porter? See how big and strong you think you are then,” I bite, watching as he glares at me.

“I would consider that assault and threatening an officer, wouldn’t you, Sheriff?” He doesn’t tear his gaze from mine, a sneer touching his lips as the car comes to a stop.

“At least you’ll have something real to put down on the report since you’ve brought me out here for some bullshit,” I grunt, clenching my hands tightly behind my back.

I notice the building out of the front window, my feet able to carry me to lock up with my eyes closed if it was necessary, but instead I have to wait for these fuckers to get out of their seats and pull me from the car.

It’s not surprising when it’s the sheriff that opens my door and tugs on my arm. He’s likely aware that if it was Porter standing there right now, I would headbutt the bastard into next week. Unfortunately, I’ll have to save that for another time.

The sheriff leads me inside, Euro hot on my heels as he’s brought in by two other cops, while the rest gather in the dark parking lot. Hopefully they’re not going to drag their feet with whatever is going on here, I didn’t have any patience before we left the compound. Now, after listening to Porter’s bullshit, I’ve surpassed it.

Sheriff Hayes tugs on my cuffs, making me grit my teeth as the automatic doors open and we step inside. The receptionist is at her desk, I can’t remember her name, Janet maybe? I’m not sure. She’s on a call so she doesn’t bother to lift her head as we trudge past. The dressing around my thigh is noticeable with the shorts I’m wearing, but that doesn’t mean the sheriff slows his pace, if anything, we’re moving faster than ever.


Riding through the pain, I’m almost relieved when I see the door that leads to the holding cell. Porter pushes open the door and the sheriff leads me inside as Euro is nudged through behind me. There are two cells, one on either side of the door, with a desk and seat at the other end of the room for whoever gets the short straw of having to watch us.

The cell to my left is unlocked and I’m walked inside, my handcuffs unlatched before the door is swiftly closed behind me. I glance over my shoulder to find they’ve actually put Euro in here too. He rubs at his wrists, a pinch to his brows as watches the officers file out of the room one at a time.