Page 64 of Ruthless Rage

“No, now you have to focus on everything else that actually affects the club and not some club whore.”

My glare doesn’t soften as I slip a t-shirt over my head. “Fine, call a meeting. Get Shift on the phone too so we can have all the men on deck.”

Axel nods as he stands from my bed, heading for the door before he pauses, a knowing smirk growing even wider on his face. “You’ve got ten minutes to take care of your raging cock and then your ass better be in your seat.”

He doesn’t give me a chance to respond, but I don’t need one. Ten minutes isn’t that long, and I need to make the most of it.

* * *

Axel raises a brow at me as I drop into my seat at the Church with a second to spare, but I ignore him and his shit-teasing as Ryker throws down one of the guns from earlier on the table. The room falls silent, clearly feeling Ryker’s temper rising as he leans forward, planting his palms on the wood.

“Courtesy of the Brutes.”

“Fuck.” A chorus of sighs flutter around the room, everyone understanding what Ryker’s saying as he glares down at the weapon.

“Fuck is right, but it isn’t going to give us the answers to the problems we’re facing,” he grunts, slamming his fist on the table before dropping down into his seat. “We know the chaos they’ve caused in such a short space of time, so I’m not going to waste my breath repeating it, but this needs to end.”

“I had a chat with Merl, Prez, and he confirmed he was somewhat aware of these bastards leaving a trail of carnage in their wake. They make a lot of noise if shit doesn’t go their way and it’s generally deadly to the other party.” Shift’s voice filters through the cell phone in Emmett’s hand. Fuck, if Merl, the Prez of our Northern chapter, is aware of them, then why the fuck aren't we?

“Could we really have been paying him off?” I ask, looking around the table before settling my eyes on Ryker.

“Who fucking knows, but we aren’t any longer. I refuse to. We don’t survive as a club by lying on our backs and letting any man shove his dick into our mouths while we plead to be fucked with a baseball bat.” I shiver at the thought but I get the point. “We survive as a club by making a stand, believing in our charter, believing in our bylaws, and defending our family like it’s our birthright.”

A few hoots holler around the table in agreement, my own blood bubbling in my veins as I nod along with them.

“Shift, do you think you can access any surveillance that may be of use to us to get a better sense of the whole picture?” Emmett asks, his nostrils flaring with the anger he’s bottling up.

“I will see what I can do. No guarantees from up here, but I’ve told Merl I can help out here until the end of the week before I make my way home. From there, I will be able to hopefully access more if necessary.”

“For now, we need boots on the ground, make use of our prospects and see what the word on the street is. Especially since they seem so pissed about the Reapers,” Axel adds, and my chest soars with excitement.

It’s hilarious these fuckers think they can tear us down so easily. We may have looked weak before, with Banner in control, but now, with the weight of the club on Ryker’s shoulders, I know he won’t give up without a fight. Even if it means the club is burned to the ground, I will happily fall with it. But that’s never going to happen.

This is our family, our home, and we have a lot of lives to protect.

“Maybe if we were paying them before it was done to keep us safe, maybe we were already doing the right thing.” My gaze slides to Becker, an old-timer like Eric who sits beside him with a glare on his face. I tilt my head, assessing him, but it doesn’t seem to be a case of him knowing about this all along, more a worry and concern for the club.

Ryker rises from his seat, jaw tight and shoulders tense as he twirls the gavel in his hand. He takes the time to look each and every one of us in the eyes, before he settles his stare in Becker’s direction.

“We’re not safe under the reign of someone else, and that’s exactly what that would be. We would be making ourselves sitting ducks, pawns to break at their leisure. If that’s how you want your Prez to act, then elect another one, because it sure as shit won’t be me.” I love, respect, and feel triumph for the man before me, I always have, but it’s in this moment I see him as the leader he was truly born to be. “All in favor of refusing to pay the Brutes?”

“Aye.” My agreement is lost in the sea of confirmations from every member at the table, Becker included, before the gavel hits the wood, sealing tight the oath of our brotherhood.

Let the war begin.



I closemy eyes as the monotone voice filters from my cell phone, going into detail on the latest case that is being investigated on the murder podcast I’m listening to. It’s hauntingly fascinating how people and authorities dissect the killer's actions, piece together the puzzle they left behind and find the answer.

My hair is damp from the shower I took, knowing the coast was clear as everyone had been called to the Church. I decided on a pair of combat pants and a white tank top to relax in as I avoid the world.

Every time I step from this room, something happens. From some bullshit with the Devil’s Brutes to getting shit from Axel or the Ruthless Bitches. Occasionally, I might be lucky and get a great orgasm or two, but either way, it feels like drama at this stage and I’d rather avoid it as much as possible.

My mind wanders to the visual Axel hinted at earlier. The thought of Gray on his knees for him… My core clenches at the idea of it. It didn’t look like he was joking and Gray didn’t rush to correct him, which only excites me more.
