Page 55 of Ruthless Rage

“You can’t give these guys too much of a good thing or their asses will take it for granted.”

Grabbing the closest two bowls, I head for the bar area, still grinning at Maggie’s words. The moment I step into the bar area, I sense eyes on me and find the Ruthless Bitches huddled around one of the booths, all staring in my direction.

Molly scoffs and I’m ready for whatever bullshit is about to spill from her mouth, but the double doors to the clubhouse swing open forcefully as men start shouting. I freeze in place, overwhelmed by the sudden intrusion of noise and panic as feet stomp and names are called.

I blink twice, confirming that it’s Ruthless Brothers’ cuts they’re wearing, but it’s not until I find Gray through the crowd that I calm down a little. His blond hair is in disarray, his palms bloody and his jeans stained, but what holds me captive is the panicked look in his bright blue eyes.

“Scarlett, we need you. Come with me.”

His words make my heart race ten times faster, the calmness I felt drift over me moments ago disappearing as he points over his shoulder to where Ryker and Axel help Emmett inside. It’s like my eyes are a beacon for the problem, finding a crimson stained t-shirt wrapped around a wound on his thigh as Axel tries to keep pressure on it.

“What the fuck happened?” Those four words from Emily’s mouth hold so much fear and pain that it makes my heart seize. Before I can utter a word in response, Gray calls my name again.

“Scarlett. Now.”

They’re charging through the bar area, heading for the back rooms without another word as I turn and pass off the two bowls in my hand without seeing who even takes them. The second my hands are free, I’m reaching for Emily at my side, her jaw still slack since she spoke those four words. She’s as white as a ghost, panic and shock taking over.

“Let me see what’s going on, okay? Stay here with Duffer. If it’s bad, he won’t want you to see him like that,” I murmur. She nods, and I seek Duffer through the chaos. He’s at my side in seconds, draping his arm around Emily and guiding her toward the nearest stool.

“Eyes on her at all times, Duffer,” I order, like I even have a place or voice to do just that, but he turns to me with determination in his eyes as he nods.

“Yes, ma’am.”

I don’t stick around to correct him, not wanting to be called ma’am at twenty-three, but that’s an argument for another day.

Rushing to follow after them, I practically claw my way through the men doing the same. I race to the end of the hall just as they’re turning into Emmett’s room and I’ve never been more relieved to have made a bed and cleaned up after myself until this moment.

Just as I reach the threshold, a hand blurs my vision as it comes down and blocks me from going any further. “Why the fuck are you coming in here?”


His sunglasses hide his eyes and his true expression from me. His long brown hair is loose today, framing his face and making him almost seem gentle, but the sneer on his lips tells a different story.

“Not now, Ax. We need her help with Emmett.” To my surprise, it’s Ryker who bites out the words, but they do the trick and Axel drops his arm with a grunt.

“Whatever, just make it fucking happen.”

I internally roll my eyes at him, not sure why Gray called me in here. “What is it you’re expecting from me?” I say, slipping through the last few people to stop at Gray’s side.

Worry fills his eyes, and he pulls me by the waist, closer to him. “After the other night, something tells me you’re helpful in times of crisis, even ones like this.” His words are a whisper against my ear as I glance from Emmett’s leg back to Gray. “Please, Scar. If you can help him with this, then I need you to, he needs you to,weneed you to. Otherwise, I’ll call in someone who can.”

It’s not even a request; he’s pleading with me.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Swiping my hand down my face, I exhale heavily before stepping out of his hold.

“If you want my help, I need at least half of you to get the fuck out.” There’s no fucking around in my tone, no question in my demand.

“You can all fuck off,” Emmett bites, eyes fixed on me, and Ryker shakes his head, but before he can protest, Emmett pushes on, “Give me a fucking minute, Prez. I’m in good hands. Wait outside of the door if you need to, but she isn’t going to be able to concentrate with all this.”

Ryker looks at his friend helplessly as I move around to him, but my gaze is locked on Emmett’s. “Are you sure about that? These hands might not be as awesome as you think they are,” I say with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood.

“Without a doubt.” The certainty in Emmett’s voice rattles my bones, but more so, it has Ryker hollering for everyone to get the fuck out with him.

My pulse thunders in my ears for what feels like an eternity as someone thrusts a huge first-aid kit in my hands, and then everyone disappears. When the door clicks shut behind the final person, I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.