Page 50 of Ruthless Rage

Gray’s eyes widen at me as he shakes his head once. “Friends? Fuck no. That man’s my brother through and through. Besides, I lost the club a lot of fucking money that night; half an ear is nothing in comparison to what else could have happened,” he explains with a shrug as I gape at him. “Now you think I’m even cooler, don’t you?” He winks at me as I scramble to find a single word to say in response, but come up empty.

“You’ve left her speechless, Gray. We’re going to need to find her voice again.” Emmett’s hands travel up my waist beneath the sheets, making me shiver. Gray’s eyes track the movement as a wicked grin spreads across his lips.

“She makes the prettiest fucking noises, man,” he mumbles in response, his tongue glossing over his bottom lip as he looks up at me through hooded eyes.

“And the flush that creeps up her neck and takes over her cheeks…” Emmett adds, making the heat travel over my skin in the exact way he mentions.


How am I supposed to survive them? Have I finally met my fate? Is this how I die?

Gray’s mouth is poised above mine as Emmett’s lips trace over my shoulder. I can barely catch my breath, high on their proximity and the possibility that hangs in the air.

“Fuckers, let’s go.”

I have to blink three times before I realize that wasn’t Emmett or Gray talking, and I pout the second Gray rolls off the bed, nodding toward the door.

“You have the worst fucking timing, Prez,” he grumbles, not hiding the fact that he’s rearranging himself in his jeans. Following his line of sight, I find Ryker leaning against the doorframe with an amused grin on his lips.

“We’ve got errands to run. You can play with your new toy when we get back,” he states before sauntering down the hallway.

New toy? New. Fucking. Toy?

That asshole!

Any hope that they won’t race after him is diminished the moment the thought enters my head because I know where I am. To a biker, nothing comes above the Prez’s orders. Not a whore, not an old lady, not even the temptation of a threesome.

I roll to my back when Emmett steps from the bed, butt naked with his blond hair loose around his shoulders.

“Fucking cockblocking asshole,” I mumble, my hands balling into fists as I hit the sheets with a huff.

“Oh, feisty,” Gray says with a wink from the doorway, and I snap my teeth at him, which only makes his grin grow wider. “You’re hot as hell when you’re mad, sweet cheeks. Save a little bit of this anger for later, yeah?”

He doesn’t wait around for a response, following Ryker before I can even think of a reply. I tilt my head back to Emmett, only to find him completely dressed now with his hair pulled back into a bun at the back of his head.

“He can have your anger, Scarlett, because I’m claiming all of your cries.”

The door slams shut behind him. I went from the hottest, most tempting moment of my life one second to a very fucking sour mood in record time.

They can demand my anger and my cries, but all those motherfuckers are going to get is a smirk on my lips and the scent of me on Emmett’s sheets from taking care of myself when they couldn’t.

Take that, you Ruthless fucking bastards.



I adjustmy dick as the strain against my jeans throbs like a motherfucker when I walk away from Scarlett sprawled out in my friend's bed. I hate to tease and leave, but when the boss gives you orders, you listen. Ryker might be one of my closest friends, but he’s now my Prez and that takes precedence over everything else. Even hot pussy.

Emmett grunts as we move into the bar area, seemingly just as disappointed as I am as he strokes his hand over his beard. “Should have locked your door, man. Then we would know where she is when we get home.” I smirk, and he glances at me out of the corner of his eye, but doesn’t utter a word as he continues toward the door.

It seems he’s just as intrigued by her as I am. She’s so fucking refreshing, somehow mysterious, yet blindly innocent and tempting all at once. The grin on my lips stretches just thinking about Emmett not trying to block me from her and my dick strains even harder at the thought of sharing her.


If we’ve got errands to run, I need to get my head in the game. I almost consider sneaking into the bathroom quickly to take care of myself, but something tells me it wouldn’t ease the tension radiating from my cock.

I prowl through the bar, letting Emmett lead the way.Get your fucking head in the game, Gray.