Page 12 of Ruthless Rage

A day in a motorcycle club is like nowhere else. No two days are ever alike, and you really never know how many pairs of tits you’re going to see. It’s fun.

Ryker nods to me as I move around the table, Gray and Emmett hovering beside him too, and a sense of pride washes over me. Ryker has been a part of this club since the day he was born. I’ve been right beside him since I was fucking six, becoming prospects at fifteen… and now, here we are. More specifically, here he is, the man of the hour, the one to lead us to victory, and it gets my fucking adrenaline pumping.

He was made for this role, dedicated every inch of himself to this club like no other man has, and now it’s time for him to bring us to greatness.

I move to stand beside my three closest friends. Emmett is a Ruthless Brothers’ son, just like Ryker is, while Gray lived on the same street as Ryker and I as kids, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

Now we stand tall, ready to support our brother and the club with everything we have.

Euro closes the door behind him, confirming everyone is now present, and the four of us take our seats at the table. Ryker naturally taking the head chair makes me grin, and I fall into my usual seat beside Gray and Emmett further down the long table.

“Shall we call the meeting?” Eric asks. It’s the job of the treasurer to call the meetings to a start and take notes, but we lost our treasurer yesterday alongside our old Prez.

Ryker clears his throat, spreading his palms wide on the table top, as he looks at every single set of eyes in the room before speaking. “I know yesterday was not how we expected the memorial to draw to an end, but we got our vengeance and created total carnage in our wake, bringing an end to the Ice Reapers.”

Cheers echo around the room as delight and appreciation are shown for avenging our club. Cheers that I join in with, pounding my fist on the wood as I do.

“I also had confirmation a few minutes ago, through Duffer, that the police have been over to the compound. The explosion we rigged erased all the evidence inside the clubhouse. We did a stellar job because they’re declaring it a gas leak.”

Another round of celebrations vibrate around the room.

“But, with that being said, we can’t act so rashly in the future. We need to proceed with caution and take measured steps to create a solid foundation for our legacy, our family, our club.”

“Here, here!” I holler, stamping my feet along with my fists pounding the table, and my brothers join in, shaking the fucking Church to its core with our victory and pride.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Eric announces. As Emmett's father, he’s now the oldest member of the club, carrying more wisdom and experience than the rest of us combined. Which only earns him more respect from every single person here. Old ladies and club whores included. “So, now that there’s a new Prez at the head of our table, you need to appoint the men for the open positions at your side,” he adds, and the entire room starts to chant one word.

“Prez! Prez! Prez!”

Ryker waves his hand around after a moment, lowering the sound in the room as he nods, sitting taller in his seat. “You’re right. Especially since we lost two members yesterday, it’s important our framework is strong.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Ryker glances around the room again, it’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop, keeping everyone on the edge of their seats.

“I am electing Emmett as our new VP. Any objections?”

A round of ‘nays’ quickly bounce, and I grin proudly. We’ve talked about this so many times, but to see it actually unfold is something else entirely.

“Good. Gray will fulfill the role left behind by Brian and become our treasurer. Any objections?” The way he’s speaking leaves no room for argument, but a round of ‘nays’ echo around us once again.

Gray gives everyone a one-finger salute when no one argues the decision and everyone chuckles at his antics that we’re all so used to.

Next, Ryker’s eyes settle on me, before switching to Eric, who sits across the table from me with a knowing smile on his lips.

“I believe it’s time old man Eric stepped down from the role of sergeant at arms and instead became the ambassador for the club. I know we haven’t had anyone in that role for some time, but no one represents the true meaning of the Ruthless Brothers quite like you.”

Eric’s eyes sparkle at the direct acknowledgment from Ryker. Then he leans back and offers everyone a deathly glare. “If any motherfucker declines this shit for me, you’re dead. I’m an old man now. I’ve brought enough blood to this club, and I agree with Ryker’s decision. Besides, I have a good idea who the new S.A.A. will be, and no one enjoys getting their hands bloody more than him.”

A hum of agreement washes over the room.

“You’re right there, Eric. The new sergeant at arms for the Ruthless Brothers will be Axel fucking Braun. Any objections?”

“Not a single fucking one,” Euro hollers, before everyone begins to clap and stomp their feet again.

A grin creeps across my face as pride swells my chest, and the essence swims around me, offering me hope of a calmer, brighter, and more structured future. Except, my past takes only prisoners and I have a feeling I will still be my own undoing.

Despite that, I know I’ll do this club proud, no matter what. The fact that my accomplishments will be dripping in blood only serves as an incentive to live to see another day.