She had to choose a side.
And God help her, she didn’t want to.
But she knew she wouldn’t have that option.
* * *
Mordred stepped into his study, his mind wheeling and his heart in a lurch. Gwen. Oh, Gwen. What was he to do with her? How sweet she tasted against his lips—cinnamon and woodsmoke, like the smell of a warm summer fire, like laughter and companionship.
He wanted her. He wanted her very badly. But there was something else in him that called out besides his hunger to have her in his bed. It was how she held him when she fully understood the reason behind his actions.
It was not forhissake that he ruled Avalon like a tyrant.
It was for those his uncle had sworn to protect.
It was for the sake of duty.
He wanted to trust her. Damn it, he needed to trust her. He had not had anyone by his side in…he could not remember how long. He’d had relations with women now and then, but nothing more than a passing fancy.
But Gwen felt different to him. How those fire-colored eyes had shone with sympathetic tears on his behalf. He was halfway through pouring himself a drink when he heard footsteps enter the room behind him. He did not need to turn to know who it was.
He braced himself. “What do you want, Lancelot?”
“How was the trip into the city? Did she enjoy it?”
“It was fine.” He walked to his fire and kept from looking at the Knight in Silver. It might send him into a rage. The knight liked to goad him. As he could not lift a hand in violence, he would use his words instead. It was his way.
“I would like to train her this afternoon. I think it would be useful for her to have more than one tutor.”
Mordred rolled his eyes and finally faced the other man. “You wish to simply drive a wedge further between her and me.” He sipped his alcohol. He had the sense he was going to need it.
“I wish to give her another opinion to hear. You have kept her enough to yourself.” Lancelot headed to the bar to help himself to a drink. “I think we should give the girl the choice between us, no?”
“A word to the wise—do not call her girl.” Mordred smirked. “On second thought, please do. I wish to see her rattle your brain in your head.”
Lancelot scoffed. “She and I are fast friends, fast allies, and we would be faster lovers if you would not abscond with her so frequently.”
“What is your game, Lancelot? Why would you seek to overburden her with such a facetious choice between us? Why not simply let the young lady choose on her own time?”
“I will tell you why. Because I despise how you are treating her. Because the longer she spends in your presence, the more danger she is in.” Lancelot downed a glass of whiskey and poured himself another. “Why must you put her through such violent training? I see the bruises she wears. She has done nothing to you. Why do you push her about? Do you derive some sort of sick pleasure from it? I knew you were an evil bastard, but—”
“Mind yourself, Lancelot,” Mordred warned.
“Why do you seek to hurt the girl, if not because you enjoy it. Hm?” Lancelot sneered at him. “Do not tell me she enjoys your manner of attention.”
“I am teaching her how to control her power. That is all.”
“Andthatis how you choose to do it?”
“Yes.” He fought the urge to bash his fist into the wall and shatter the stone.
“Why train her in the first place? Do you want a challenge before you put her in the Crystal with all the rest?” Lancelot downed his second glass and put the empty container back on the bar with a heavythunk.
“Because she has asked me to teach her.” And because he was desperate to spend time with her. But he kept those words to himself. He needn’t fuel Lancelot’s anger with the truth. Mordred held his ground as Lancelot stormed up to him.
“You amuse yourself with her—you seek to sleep with her. You only allow her so much freedom so that you might trick her into your bed. For shame,prince.To take advantage of her in such a way.” Lancelot’s lip curled in disgust. “You are no knight of Arthur.”
Snarling, Mordred took hold of Lancelot’s throat with his claws, just barely puncturing the skin, and dragged the man closer. “Watch your tongue, knight. Gwendolyn stands upon a crossroads where she may choose with whom to place her trust.”